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Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Service.Config Namespace


Defines configuration options for a .NET backend mobile service.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass AssemblyBindingRedirect

Provides information about dependentAssembly elements in a web.config file.

System_CAPS_pubclass AutofacDependencyScope

System_CAPS_pubclass AutofacWebApiDependencyResolver

System_CAPS_pubclass BootstrapperAttribute

Identifies the IBootstrapper implementation to use as entry point for starting the service. There can only be one such instance active at a time.

System_CAPS_pubclass EntityExtensionConfig

The EntityExtensionConfig class provides configuration specific to Entity Framework. In particular, it registers EntityTableSqlGenerator as a plug-in to Entity Framework so that tables carrying columns marked with the TableColumnAttribute.

System_CAPS_pubclass ExtensionConfigProviderAttribute

Identifies an IExtensionConfigProvider implementation to invoke as part of the configuration process in order for 3rd parties to take part in the configuration.

System_CAPS_pubclass HostConfigProvider

Provides an implementation of IHostConfigProvider providing a default service configuration with the various default implementations provided by the runtime.

System_CAPS_pubclass HostConfigProviderAttribute

Identifies the IHostConfigProvider implementation to use for providing the initial host-specific service configuration. There can only be one such instance active at a time and typically it is provided by the host directly. Users can use the ConfigBuilder class as a mechanism for adding or modifying the service configuration provided by the host.

System_CAPS_pubclass HubAndConnectionTypeResolver

Provides an implementation of IHubAndConnectionTypeResolver with no external dependencies.

System_CAPS_pubclass OwinAppBuilder

This is the default OWIN configuration class used to set up the OWIN application with the middleware extensions the runtime uses (e.g. authentication providers) as well as ASP.NET Web API. The OWIN application configuration to use can be configured through the dependency injection engine.

System_CAPS_pubclass OwinAppBuilderExtension

The OwinAppBuilderExtension is an IOwinAppBuilderExtension which adds ASP.NET SignalR to the Owin pipeline.

System_CAPS_pubclass RouteNames

This class defines the route names for known routes registered by the service. For example, this can be used to create links to the routes using the UrlHelper class which is available on an ApiController.

System_CAPS_pubclass ServiceSettingsKeys

Defines the keys we look for in ServiceSettingsDictionary to identify known settings.

System_CAPS_pubclass ServiceSettingsProvider

Provides a default implementation of IServiceSettingsProvider which gets the settings for the service from the global ConfigurationManager.

System_CAPS_pubclass SetRouteConstraint<TSet>

A route constraint that constrains a route parameter value to be either included or excluded from a set of values of type TSet.

System_CAPS_pubclass SignalRExtensionConfig

The SignalRExtensionConfig class provides configuration specific to SignalR.

System_CAPS_pubclass StartupOwinAppBuilder

The initial OWIN startup application builder. This class kicks off initialization by invoking the OWIN application builder which has been registered using the Initialize method.

System_CAPS_pubclass TableExtensionConfig

Provides custom initialization for the TableController<TData> class initializing ASP.NET Web API formatters and more.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebConfigDocument

Provides functionality for loading, parsing, and accessing a Web.config file.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebHostAssemblyResolver

System_CAPS_pubclass WebHostBootstrapper

Looks through loaded assemblies to find an implementation of IBootstrapper to kick off configuration. If there is no IBootstrapper implementation then it looks for a static class called WebApiConfig and expects a public, static, parameter-less method called Register.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebHostConfigProvider


Interface Description
System_CAPS_pubinterface IBootstrapper

Provides an abstraction defining the initial entry point for a service. At startup, the host looks for an implementation of the IBootstrapper interface and kicks off the configuration process by calling Initialize. It is then the bootstrapper's responsibility to call ServiceConfig which will then kick off the configuration process starting with the IHostConfigProvider, then move to IExtensionConfigProvider implementations, and finally calling the application code for final configuration. If there is no IBootstrapper implementation then the host looks for a static class called WebApiConfig and expects a static method called Register.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IConfigBuilder

Provides an abstraction for configuring a service. Each method in this interface is called as part of the configuration process enabling a service to participate and change the configuration during every step of the process.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IExtensionConfigProvider

3rd party extensions can participate in the configuration process by hooking in as part of the service configuration. This allows 3rd party extensions to add their dependencies to the dependency resolver so that they can leverage the power of dependency injection as well. By declaring an assembly-level ExtensionConfigProviderAttribute containing a type implementing the IExtensionConfigProvider interface, the extension will get called as part of the configuration building process.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IHostConfigProvider

Configuration is a two-step process where a IHostConfigProvider provides an initial service configuration provided by the host which then can be modified by a IConfigBuilder. This allows a model where a service can be initialized for a specific host environment and yet at the same time be configured to suit the needs of the service. The IHostConfigProvider is set up using the HostConfigProviderAttribute assembly attribute. Once selected, it calls into the provided IConfigBuilder to allow the service to participate in setting up Web API, Owin, the dependency resolver, and any additional dependencies.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IHubAndConnectionTypeResolver

Provides an abstraction for getting the ASP.NET SignalR hubs and persistent connections for a service.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IOwinAppBuilder

An abstraction for the Owin application builder which will get called during startup to define the Owin application pipeline. The OwinAppBuilder implementation is registered with the HttpConfiguration dependency injection engine so that it can be changed by registering another implementation.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IOwinAppBuilderExtension

An abstraction for an OWIN application builder extension which will get appended to the OWIN pipeline as part of OwinAppBuilder. This extension mechanism is useful for adding OWIN extensions where ordering is not critical other than that they are added after the authentication part of the pipeline.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IServiceSettingsProvider

Provides an abstraction for getting the ServiceSettingsDictionary for a service. The ServiceSettingsDictionary contains settings such as the name and other parameters for the service.

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