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Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Service.Notifications Namespace



Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass CycleTile

Represents a Cycle Tile targeting MPNS. Use the CycleTile with MpnsPushMessage to create an MPNS notification and send it using the PushClient.

System_CAPS_pubclass FlipTile

Represents a Flip Tile targeting MPNS. Use the FlipTile with MpnsPushMessage to create an MPNS notification and send it using the PushClient.

System_CAPS_pubclass IconicTile

Represents a Iconic Tile targeting MPNS. Use the IconicTile with IconicTile to create an MPNS notification and send it using the PushClient.

System_CAPS_pubclass MpnsMessage

Common base class used by MpnsPushMessage and related classes.

System_CAPS_pubclass MpnsTileMessage

Abstract base class for all MPNS tiles used by MpnsPushMessage and related classes.

System_CAPS_pubclass NotificationHandlerTypeResolver

Provides an implementation of INotificationHandlerTypeResolver with no external dependencies.

System_CAPS_pubclass NotificationRegistration

The NotificationRegistration contains information for registering a device for push notifications through a notification hub.

System_CAPS_pubclass PushClient

The PushClient provides a mechanism for sending notifications to mobile applications through a Notification Hub.

System_CAPS_pubclass Toast

Represents a Toast notification targeting MPNS. Use the Toast with MpnsPushMessage to create an MPNS notification and send it using the PushClient.

System_CAPS_pubclass VisualTile

This class represents the visual element of a Windows Notification tile, see for details. This class is intended for use as part of the WindowsPushMessage class.


Interface Description
System_CAPS_pubinterface INotificationHandler

Provides an abstraction for hooking in custom code to the notification hub registration process. All public, non-abstract implementations of this interface will get picked up automatically by the default INotificationHandlerTypeResolver implementation and registered with the dependency engine, causing then to get called as part of the registration process.

System_CAPS_pubinterface INotificationHandlerTypeResolver

The INotificationHandler provides an abstraction for hooking in custom code to the notification hub registration process. The INotificationHandlerTypeResolver provides an abstraction for enumerating and providing the INotificationHandler implementations that should participate in this process.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IPushMessage

Marker interface identifying various notification payloads that can be sent to the Notification Hub.

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