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Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Service.Cache Namespace


Defines caching behaviors for a .NET backend service.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass CachePolicy

Defines a cache policy describing which HTTP cache response headers to include in an HttpResponseMessage. The CachePolicy is used by the CachePolicyProvider which defines a default caching policy if no HTTP caching headers have been applied to a given HttpResponseMessage.

System_CAPS_pubclass CachePolicyMessageHandler

If no HTTP response cache control headers have been added to the HttpResponseMessage then invoke the registered ICachePolicyProvider to allow it to set the default HTTP response cache headers.

System_CAPS_pubclass CachePolicyProvider

Default implementation of ICachePolicyProvider with a set of possible default HTTP caching policies. If no HTTP caching headers have been set on a response then this abstraction is called allowing for a default set of HTTP caching headers to be applied.


Interface Description
System_CAPS_pubinterface ICachePolicyProvider

Provides an abstraction for adding default HTTP caching headers to a given HttpResponseMessage. If no HTTP caching headers have been set on a response then this abstraction is called allowing for a default set of HTTP caching headers to be applied. By default, the CachePolicyProvider implementation is registered with the dependency injection engine but other implementations can be registered as well. If no ICachePolicyProvider is registered then no default caching headers will be added to an HttpResponseMessage.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum CacheOptions

Defines the set of HTTP response cache control options that can be used with the HTTP Cache-Control header field for an HttpResponseMessage. This is used by the CachePolicyProvider to define which HTTP caching response headers to use if no HTTP caching response headers have been set on an HttpResponseMessage.

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