Delete Dedicated Circuit Link Authorization


The Delete Dedicated Circuit Link Authorization operation deletes the link authorization.


The Delete Dedicated Circuit Link Authorization request may be specified as follows. Replace <subscription-id> with the subscription ID, <service-key> with the service key that was obtained when the circuit was created, and <auth-id> with the authorization ID.


Request URI


You must make sure that the request that is made to the management service is secure. For additional details, see Authenticating Service Management Requests.

Request Body



The response includes an HTTP status code, a set of response headers, and a response body.

Status Code

A successful operation returns status code 202 (Accepted). For information about status codes, see Service Management Status and Error Codes.

Response Body

The following example shows the format of the response body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GatewayOperationAsyncResponse xmlns="">

The following table describes the elements of the response body.

Element name



Uniquely identifies the operation. This ID contains the same value as the request ID that is returned by the x-ms-request-id header. To get more information about the status of an operation, such as whether it is still executing or complete, you can call Get Virtual Network Gateway Operation Status with the request ID.

See Also

Operations on ExpressRoute
ExpressRoute Technical Overview