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List Subscription Operations


The List Subscription Operations operation returns a list of create, update, and delete operations that were performed on a subscription during the specified timeframe.


The List Subscription Operations request may be specified as follows. Replace <subscription-id> with the subscription ID.


Request URI


URI Parameters

URI Parameter



Required. The start of the timeframe to begin listing subscription operations in UTC format. This parameter and the EndTime parameter indicate the timeframe to retrieve subscription operations. This parameter cannot indicate a start date of more than 90 days in the past.

If you specify a time for this parameter, you must include the literal string “T” before the time, which indicates the start of the time element. Also, you must include the literal string “Z” after the time element, which indicates that the time is in UTC format. For example, a start time of March 1st, 2011 at 4:30PM would be expressed as follows: StartTime=2011-03-01T16:30:00Z

You can use the following time formats:

  • StartTime=[4DigitYear]-[2DigitMonth]-[2DigitDay]

    Example: StartTime=2011-03-01

  • StartTime=[4DigitYear]-[2DigitMonth]-[2DigitDay]T[2DigitHour]:[2DigitMinute]:2DigitSecond]Z

    Example: StartTime=2011-03-01T16:30:00Z

  • StartTime=[4DigitYear]-[2DigitMonth]-[2DigitDay]T[2DigitMinute]:[2DigitSecond].[7DigitsOfPrecision]Z

    Example: StartTime=2011-03-01T16:30:00.0005000Z


Required. The end of the timeframe to begin listing subscription operations in UTC format. This parameter and the StartTime parameter indicate the timeframe to retrieve subscription operations.

If you specify a time for this parameter, you must include the literal string “T” before the time, which indicates the start of the time element. Also, you must include the literal string “Z” after the time element, which indicates that the time is in UTC format. For example, an end time of March 7st, 2011 at 4:30PM would be expressed as follows: EndTime=2011-03-07T16:30:00Z

You can use the following time formats:

  • EndTime=[4DigitYear]-[2DigitMonth]-[2DigitDay]

    Example: EndTime=2011-03-07

  • EndTime=[4DigitYear]-[2DigitMonth]-[2DigitDay]T[2DigitHour]:[2DigitMinute]:2DigitSecond]Z

    Example: EndTime=2011-03-07T16:30:00Z

  • EndTime=[4DigitYear]-[2DigitMonth]-[2DigitDay]T[2DigitMinute]:[2DigitSecond].[7DigitsOfPrecision]Z

    Example: EndTime=2011-03-07T16:30:00.0005000Z


Optional. Returns subscription operations only for the specified object type and object ID. This parameter must be set equal to the URL value for performing an HTTP GET on the object. If no object is specified, a filter is not applied. Applicable object types and examples are included below. Replace sample values such as <subscription-id> with your own values.

Object Type

Object URL for Filter



Cloud Service


Storage Service


Affinity Group




Role Instance


Machine Image



Optional. Returns subscription operations only for the specified result status, either Succeeded, Failed, or InProgress. This filter can be combined with the ObjectIdFilter to select subscription operations for an object with a specific result status. If no result status is specified, a filter is not applied. For example, the following request URI snippet returns all successful operations for a storage service:



Optional. When there are too many operations to list, such as when the requested timeframe is very large, the response includes an incomplete list and a token that can be used to return the rest of the list. Subsequent requests must include this parameter to continue listing operations from where the last response left off. If no token is specified, a filter is not applied and the response will begin at the specified StartTime.

Request Headers

The following table describes the request headers.

Request Header



Required. Specifies the version of the operation to use for this request. This header should be set to 2011-02-25 or higher.

Request Body



The response includes an HTTP status code, a set of response headers, and a response body.

Status Code

A successful operation returns status code 200 (OK).

Response Headers

The response for this operation includes the following headers. The response may also include additional standard HTTP headers.

Response Header



A value that uniquely identifies a request made against the management service.

Response Body

The format of the response body is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SubscriptionOperationCollection xmlns="" xmlns:i="">

The following table describes the elements in the response body.

Element name


Subscription Operations

Specifies the list of operations that have been performed on the subscription during the specified timeframe.

Continuation Token

Specifies the string that can be used to return the rest of the list. Subsequent requests must include this parameter to continue listing operations from where the last response left off. This element exists only if the complete list of subscription operations was not returned.

Subscription Operation

Specifies a single operation that has been performed on the subscription during the specified timeframe.

Operation ID

Specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the operation.

Operation Object ID

Specifies the target object for the operation. This value is equal to the URL for performing an HTTP GET on the object, and corresponds to the same values for the ObjectIdFilter in the request.

Operation Name

Specifies the name of the performed operation. Possible values are:

  • ActivateDomainName

  • AddCertificates

  • AddSubscriptionCertificate

  • ChangeDeploymentConfiguration

  • ChangeDeploymentConfigurationBySlot

  • CommitImageUpload

  • CreateAffinityGroup

  • CreateDeployment

  • CreateDeploymentBySlot

  • CreateHostedService

  • CreateStorageService

  • DeleteAffinityGroup

  • DeleteCertificate

  • DeleteDeployment

  • DeleteHostedService

  • DeleteImage

  • DeleteStorageService

  • PrepareImageUpload

  • RebootDeploymentRoleInstance

  • RebootDeploymentRoleInstanceBySlot

  • ReimageDeploymentRoleInstance

  • ReimageDeploymentRoleInstanceBySlot

  • RegenerateStorageServiceKeys

  • RegisterDomainName

  • RemoveSubscriptionCertificate

  • RollbackDeploymentUpdateOrUpgrade

  • SetImageProperties

  • SetParentImage

  • SwapDeployment

  • UnregisterDomainName

  • UpdateAffinityGroup

  • UpdateDeploymentStatus

  • UpdateDeploymentStatusBySlot

  • UpdateHostedService

  • UpdateStorageService

  • UpdateStorageService

  • UpgradeDeployment

  • UpgradeDeploymentBySlot

  • WalkUpgradeDomain

  • WalkUpgradeDomainBySlot

Operation Parameters

Specifies the collection of parameters for the performed operation.

Operation Parameter

Specifies a single parameter for the performed operation.


Specifies the name of the parameter.


Specifies the value of the parameter. The value can be represented as a string or an XML document, depending on the subscription operation that was performed.


Specifies a collection of attributes that identifies the source of the operation.


Indicates whether the operation was initiated by using the Service Management API. False if it was initiated by another source.


Specifies the email associated with the Windows Live ID of the user who initiated the operation. This element is returned only if UsedServiceManagementApi is false.


Specifies the IP address of the client computer that initiated the operation. This element is returned only if UsedServiceManagementApi is true.


Specifies the thumbprint of the subscription certificate used to initiate the operation.

Operation Status

Specifies an object that contains information on the current status of the operation. The object returned has the following XML format:


Possible values of the Status element, which holds the operation status, are:

  • Succeeded

  • Failed

  • InProgress


Specifies the time that the operation started to execute. The format of the time is:


Example: 2011-05-11T16:15:26Z

Specifies the OperationStartedTime element is only available using version 2011-06-01 or higher.


Specifies the time that the operation finished executing. This element is not present if the operation is still in progress. The format of the time is:


Example: 2011-05-11T16:15:32Z

The OperationCompletedTime element is only available using version 2011-06-01 or higher.