Get Role
The Get Role operation retrieves information about the specified Virtual Machine.
The Get Role request may be specified as follows. Replace <subscription-id> with the subscription ID, <cloudservice-name> with the name of the cloud service, <deployment-name> with the name of the deployment, and <role-name> with the name of the Virtual Machine.
Method |
Request URI |
GET |<subscription-id>/services/hostedservices/<cloudservice-name>/deployments/<deployment-name>/roles/<role-name> |
URI Parameters
Request Headers
The following table describes the request headers.
Request Header |
Description |
x-ms-version |
Required. Specifies the version of the operation to use for this request. This header should be set to 2012-03-01 or higher. |
Request Body
The response includes an HTTP status code, a set of response headers, and a response body.
Status Code
A successful operation returns status code 200 (OK).
Response Headers
The response for this operation includes the following headers. The response may also include additional standard HTTP headers.
Response Header |
Description |
x-ms-request-id |
A value that uniquely identifies a request made against the management service. |
Response Body
The format of the response body is as follows:
<PersistentVMRole xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
The following table describes the elements in the response body.
Element name |
Description |
RoleName |
Specifies the name of the Virtual Machine. |
RoleType |
Specifies the type of role that is used. For Virtual Machines, this must be PersistentVMRole. |
LicenseType |
Optional. Specifies that the image or disk that is being used was licensed on-premises. This element is only used for images that contain the Windows Server operating system. Possible values are:
VMImage |
Specifies the name of the VM Image that was used to create the Virtual Machine. The VMImage element is only available using version 2014-02-01 or higher. |
MediaLocation |
Specifies the path to the VHD files that are associated with the VM Image. The MediaLocation element is only available using version 2014-02-01 or higher. |
ConfigurationSets |
Contains a collection of configuration sets that define system and application settings. |
ResourceExtensionReferences |
Optional. Contains a collection of resource extensions that are installed on the Virtual Machine. This element is used if ProvisionGuestAgent is set to true. |
AvailabilitySetName |
Specifies the name of a collection of Virtual Machines. Virtual Machines specified in the same availability set are allocated to different nodes to maximize availability. |
DataVirtualHardDisks |
Contains the parameters that were used to add a data disk to a Virtual Machine. |
OSVirtualHardDisk |
Contains the parameters that were used to create the operating system disk for a Virtual Machine. |
RoleSize |
Specifies the size of the Virtual Machine. The default size is Small. |
ProvisionGuestAgent |
Optional. Indicates whether the VM Agent is installed on the Virtual Machine. To run a resource extension in a Virtual Machine, this service must be installed. Possible values are:
DefaultWinRmCertificateThumbprint |
Specifies the read-only thumbprint of the certificate that is used with the HTTPS listener for WinRM. |
Contains a collection of configuration sets that contain system and application configuration settings.
Element name |
Description |
ConfigurationSetType |
Specifies the configuration type for the configuration set. This is currently always set to NetworkConfiguration. |
InputEndpoints |
Contains a collection of external endpoints for the Virtual Machine. |
SubnetNames |
Contains a list of subnets to which the Virtual Machine will belong. |
StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress |
Specifies the internal IP address for the Virtual Machine in a Virtual Network. If this element is specified, the SubnetNames element will contain only one subnet. The IP address specified in this element belongs to the subnet that is defined in SubnetNames. The StaticVirtualNetworkIPAddress element is only available using version 2013-11-01 or higher. |
NetworkSecurityGroup |
Optional. Represents the name of the Network Security Group that will be associated with the Virtual Machine. Network Security Group must exist in the context of subscription and be created in same region to which the virtual machine will be deployed. The NetworkSecurityGroup element is only available using version 2014-10-01 or higher. |
PublicIPs |
Optional. Contains a public IP address that can be used in addition to default virtual IP address for the Virtual Machine. The PublicIPs element is only available using version 2014-05-01 or higher. |
NetworkInterfaces |
Optional, A set of secondary network interfaces. The number of secondary network interfaces allowed depends on the size of the virtual machine. The NetworkInterfaces element is only available using version 2014-08-01 or higher. |
Contains a collection of external endpoints for the Virtual Machine.
Element name |
Description |
LoadBalancedEndpointSetName |
Specifies a name for a set of load-balanced endpoints. |
LocalPort |
Specifies the internal port on which the Virtual Machine is listening. |
Name |
Specifies the name of the external endpoint. |
Port |
Specifies the external port to use for the endpoint. |
LoadBalancerProbe |
Contains properties that define the endpoint settings that the load balancer uses to monitor the availability of the Virtual Machine before forwarding traffic to it. |
Protocol |
Specifies the transport protocol for the endpoint. Possible Values are:
EnableDirectServerReturn |
Specifies whether the endpoint uses Direct Server Return. The EnableDirectServerReturn element is not supported for RDP, SSH, or WinRM endpoints and it is not supported when the public port and local port of an endpoint are different. It is recommended that this element is only used when setting up Virtual Machines for SQL Server and AlwaysOn Availability Groups. Possible values are:
The default value is false. |
LoadBalancerName |
Optional. Specifies the name of the internal load balancer that is associated with this endpoint. The LoadBalancerName element is only available using version 2014-05-01 or higher. |
IdleTimeoutInMinutes |
Optional. Specifies the timeout for the TCP idle connection. The value can be set between 4 and 30 minutes. The default value is 4 minutes. This element is only used when the protocol is set to TCP. The IdleTimeoutInMinutes element is only available using version 2014-06-01 or higher. |
Contains properties that define the endpoint settings that the load balancer uses to monitor the availability of the Virtual Machine before forwarding traffic to it.
Element name |
Description |
Path |
Specifies the relative path to inspect to determine the availability status of the Virtual Machine. If Protocol is set to TCP, this value must be NULL. Example: path The probe will use to perform the probe. |
Port |
Specifies the port to use to inspect the availability status of the Virtual Machine. |
Protocol |
Specifies the protocol to use to inspect the availability status of the Virtual Machine. Possible values are:
Contains a public IP address that can be used in addition to default virtual IP address for the Virtual Machine.
Element name |
Description |
PublicIP |
Required. Specifies an additional IP public address that can be used to communicate with the Virtual Machine. |
Name |
Required. Specifies the name of the public IP address. |
IdleTimeoutInMinutes |
Optional. Specifies the timeout for the TCP idle connection. The value can be set between 4 and 30 minutes. The default value is 4 minutes. This element is only used when the protocol is set to TCP. The IdleTimeoutInMinutes element is only available using version 2014-06-01 or higher. |
DomainNameLabel |
Optional. Specifies the domain name label for the public IP. The DomainNameLabel element is only available using version 2015-03-01 or higher. |
Contains a set of secondary network interfaces.
Element name |
Description |
NetworkInterface |
Required. Specifies a secondary network interface. |
Name |
Required, Specifies the name of the secondary network interface. |
IPConfigurations |
Required. Specifies a set of IP address configurations for a secondary network interface. |
Specifies a set of IP address configurations for a secondary network interface.
Element name |
Description |
IPConfiguration |
Required. Specifies an IP address configuration for a secondary network interface. Currently only one IP address configuration is supported for a secondary network interface. |
SubnetName |
Required. Specifies the name of the virtual network subnet that this IP address configuration belongs. |
Address |
Required, Specifies the internal IP address configured for a secondary network interface. |
Contains a list of subnets to which the Virtual Machine will belong.
Element name |
Description |
SubnetName |
Specifies the name of a subnet to which the Virtual Machine belongs. |
Contains the parameters that are used to add a data disk to a Virtual Machine.
Element name |
Description |
DataVirtualHardDisk |
Specifies the properties that are used to create a data disk. Example: |
HostCaching |
Specifies the caching behavior of the data disk for read/write efficiency. Setting this property impacts the consistency of the disk. Possible values are:
The default value is None. |
DiskName |
Specifies the name of the data disk. |
Lun |
Specifies the Logical Unit Number (LUN) for the data disk. Valid LUN values are 0 through 31. |
LogicalDiskSizeInGB |
Specifies the size, in GB, of an empty disk to be attached to the Virtual Machine. |
MediaLink |
Specifies the location of the VHD that is associated with the data disk. Example: |
IOType |
This property identifies the type of the storage account for the backing VHD. If the backing VHD is in an Provisioned Storage account, “Provisioned” is returned otherwise “Standard” is returned. Note: This value is populated by Azure platform when the disk is created, not by the user. This property is only returned with a version header of 2014-10-01 or newer. |
Contains the parameters that are used to create the operating system disk for a Virtual Machine.
Element name |
Description |
HostCaching |
Specifies the caching mode of the operating system disk. This setting impacts the consistency and performance of the disk. Possible values are:
The default value is ReadWrite. |
DiskName |
Specifies the name an operating system disk. |
MediaLink |
Specifies the location of the VHD that is associated with the operating system disk. Example: |
SourceImageName |
Specifies the name of the image that was used to create the Virtual Machine. |
IOType |
This property identifies the type of the storage account for the backing VHD. If the backing VHD is in an Provisioned Storage account, “Provisioned” is returned otherwise “Standard” is returned. Note: This value is populated by Azure platform when the disk is created, not by the user. This property is only returned with a version header of 2014-10-01 or newer |
OS |
Specifies the operating system that is running in the Virtual Machine. |
Contains a collection of resource extensions that are to be installed on the Virtual Machine. A resource extension is a software component that is installed on the Virtual Machine. The VM Agent must be installed on the Virtual Machine to install resource extensions.
Element name |
Description |
ResourceExtensionReference |
Required. Specifies the properties of a resource extension that should be installed on the Virtual Machine. |
ReferenceName |
Required. Specifies the reference name of the resource extension. |
Publisher |
Required. Specifies the name of the publisher who created the resource extension. You can use List Resource Extensions to find the publisher name of a resource extension. |
Name |
Required. Specifies the name of the resource extension. You can use List Resource Extensions to find the names of available resource extensions. |
Version |
Required. Specifies the version of the resource extension. You can use List Resource Extension Versions to find the version of the resource extension. |
ResourceExtensionParameterValues |
Optional. Contains a collection of parameters that are passed to the resource extension when it is installed. |
State |
Optional. Specifies the state of the resource extension. Possible values are:
The default value is Enable. |
Contains a collection of parameters that are passed to the resource extension when it is installed.
Element name |
Description |
ResourceExtensionParameterValue |
Required. Specifies the key, value, and type of the parameter. |
Key |
Required. Specifies the key of the parameter. |
Value |
Required. Specifies the base-64 encoded value of the parameter. |
Type |
Required. Specifies the type for the resource extension. Possible values are: