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GatewayOperationsExtensions.GetIPsecParametersAsync Method (IGatewayOperations, String, String)


The Get IPsec Parameters operation gets the IPsec parameters that have been set for the connection between the provided virtual network gateway and the provided local network site.

Namespace:   Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network
Assembly:  Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network (in Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network.dll)


public static Task<GatewayGetIPsecParametersResponse> GetIPsecParametersAsync(
    this IGatewayOperations operations,
    string networkName,
    string localNetworkName
static Task<GatewayGetIPsecParametersResponse^>^ GetIPsecParametersAsync(
    IGatewayOperations^ operations,
    String^ networkName,
    String^ localNetworkName
static member GetIPsecParametersAsync : 
        operations:IGatewayOperations *
        networkName:string *
        localNetworkName:string -> Task<GatewayGetIPsecParametersResponse>
Public Shared Function GetIPsecParametersAsync (
    operations As IGatewayOperations,
    networkName As String,
    localNetworkName As String
) As Task(Of GatewayGetIPsecParametersResponse)


  • networkName
    Type: System.String

    Required. The name of the virtual network for this gateway.

  • localNetworkName
    Type: System.String

    Required. The name of the local network.

Return Value

Type: System.Threading.Tasks.Task<GatewayGetIPsecParametersResponse>

The response that will be returned from a GetIPsecParameters request. This contains the IPsec parameters for the specified connection.

See Also

GatewayOperationsExtensions Class
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Network Namespace

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