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Accessibility information for Windows Azure Pack


Applies To: Windows Azure Pack

Microsoft is committed to making its products and services easier for you to use. The following information describes the accessibility features for Windows Azure Pack for Windows Server.

Windows features

Most accessibility features that are offered through Windows are available when you use Windows Azure Pack.

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of two or more keys that, when they are pressed, can be used to perform a task that would typically require a mouse of other pointing device. Keyboard shortcuts make it easier to interact with your computer. This saves you time and effort as you work with Windows and other programs.

Most programs provide accelerator keys that can make it easier to work with menus and other commands. Check the menus and other commands. Check with menus of programs for accelerator keys. If a letter is underlined in a menu, it usually means that pressing the ALT key in combination with the underlined key will have the same effect as clicking that command.

Use high-contrast mode

You can turn on the high-contrast mode in the Windows Control Panel to make the screen easier to see if you have low-vision.

  1. On the Start screen, type control panel, and then press ENTER.

  2. Click Ease of Access.

  3. In the Ease of Access Center, click Optimize visual display.

  4. In the High Contrast area, click Choose a high contrast theme to open Personalization. Choose the high contrast theme that is best for your needs.

Browser features

Windows Azure Pack is a web portal – because of this, Windows Azure Pack is dependent on the accessibility features in the following supported browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 9 and 10

  • Chrome 15

  • Firefox 8.0

  • Safari 5.1

Use the following links to find information about accessibility in Internet Explorer:

Accessibility in Internet Explorer 10 (

Accessibility in Internet Explorer 9 (

For information about the accessibility features of Chrome 15, Firefox 8.0, and Safari 5.1, see the product information for your specific browser.

More information

Microsoft builds accessibility into our products that enable everyone to personalize their PCs to make them safer and easier to see, hear, and use. Accessibility is a fundamental consideration during product design, development, testing, and release. To learn more about accessibility features available, visit the Microsoft Accessibility ( web site.