Implementing CBreakpointResolution
In TextInterpreter, the CBreakpointResolution class implements the IDebugBreakpointResolution2 interface. Each instance of the class represents a single breakpoint resolution and is created in the call to CPendingBreakpoint::Bind (which implements IDebugPendingBreakpoint2::Bind).
Note that in TextInterpreter, the CBreakpointResolution class assumes it will always be associated with a code context. In a more typical implementation that uses both code (BP_RESOLUTION_CODE) and data (BP_RESOLUTION_DATA) resolution contexts, CBreakpointResolution would probably be implemented as two separate classes, one for each type of resolution context.
To implement CBreakpointResolution
In Class View, right-click the CBreakpointResolution class. Click Add Variable and add a variable with the Variable name m_bpResolutionInfo, a Variable type of BP_RESOLUTION_INFO, and an Access type of protected.
In Class View, right-click the CBreakpointResolution class and click Add Function to add a function with the Function name Initialize, a Return type of void, and the following parameter (click Add to add it to the Parameter list before clicking Finish):
Parameter Type
Parameter Name
IDebugCodeContext2 *
Open the Context.h file, find the CBreakpointResolution class declaration, and change the constructor so it is only declared. Then add a declaration for a virtual destructor:
CBreakpointResolution(); virtual ~CBreakpointResolution();
Open the Context.cpp file and insert the following bold lines before the definition of CBreakpointResolution::GetBreakpointType:
// CBreakpointResolution CBreakpointResolution::CBreakpointResolution() { memset(&m_bpResolutionInfo, 0, sizeof(BP_RESOLUTION_INFO)); m_bpResolutionInfo.bpResLocation.bpType = BPT_CODE; m_bpResolutionInfo.dwFields = BPRESI_BPRESLOCATION; } CBreakpointResolution::~CBreakpointResolution() { m_bpResolutionInfo.bpResLocation.bpResLocation.bpresCode.pCodeContext->Release(); }
In CBreakpointResolution::Initialize, add the following bold lines:
void CBreakpointResolution::Initialize(IDebugCodeContext2 * pCodeContext) { m_bpResolutionInfo.bpResLocation.bpResLocation.bpresCode.pCodeContext = pCodeContext; m_bpResolutionInfo.bpResLocation.bpResLocation.bpresCode.pCodeContext->AddRef(); }
In CBreakpointResolution::GetBreakpointType, replace the line //TODO: RETURN BREAKPOINT TYPE as well as the following return statement with the following:
*pBPType = BPT_CODE; return S_OK;
In CBreakpointResolution::GetResolutionInfo, replace the line //TODO: RETURN RESOLUTION INFO as well as the following return statement with the following:
// Start with a raw copy if (pBPResolutionInfo == NULL) return E_POINTER; *pBPResolutionInfo = m_bpResolutionInfo; // Set the fields. pBPResolutionInfo->dwFields = dwFields & m_bpResolutionInfo.dwFields; // Fill in the bp resolution destination if (pBPResolutionInfo->dwFields & BPRESI_BPRESLOCATION) { pBPResolutionInfo->bpResLocation.bpResLocation.bpresCode.pCodeContext->AddRef(); return S_OK; } return E_NOTIMPL;
Build the project to make sure there are no errors.