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Member Complex Type Complex Type

Member Complex Type

Defines the elements that contain information about a member definition in an .sdm file. All members are identified by a name that is unique within the set of members in the scope of the definition that contains the member. A member can provide settings for the definition that it references, and it can contain design-specific data.

<xs:complexType name="Member"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Description" type="Description" minOccurs="0" />

  • Description
    A description of the member.

<xs:element name="DesignData" type="DesignData" minOccurs="0" />

  • DesignData
    Design surface information about the member.

<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" > <xs:element name="SettingValue" type="SettingValue" />

  • SettingValue
    Values for settings that correspond to writable settings on the member referenced type. If these values are marked as fixed, then they must be used when an instance is created for the member. If they are not fixed, then the values can be overridden by parameters set by a flow.

<xs:element name="SettingValueList" type="SettingValueList" />

  • SettingValueList
    A list of values for a writable list setting on the member-referenced type.

</xs:choice> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="Name" type="SimpleName" use="required" />

  • Name
    A unique name for the member within the scope of the containing type.

<xs:attribute name="Definition" type="QualifiedName" use="required" />

  • Definition
    The qualified name of the definition that this member references.


  • Member
    Identifies instances of a particular SDM definition that can exist at runtime.

Child Elements

Element Type Description
Description Description

A description of the member.

DesignData DesignData

Design surface information about the member.

SettingValue SettingValue

Values for settings that correspond to writable settings on the member referenced type. If these values are marked as fixed, then they must be used when an instance is created for the member. If they are not fixed, then the values can be overridden by parameters set by a flow.

SettingValueList SettingValueList

A list of values for a writable list setting on the member-referenced type.


Name Type Description
Definition QualifiedName

The qualified name of the definition that this member references.

Name SimpleName

A unique name for the member within the scope of the containing type.

See Also

SystemDefinitionModel Schema Complex Types

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Build date: 10/2/2007