Contains the mini-wave format for an XACT wave bank.
typedef union WAVEBANKMINIWAVEFORMAT { struct { DWORD wFormatTag : 1; DWORD nChannels : 3; DWORD nSamplesPerSec : 27; DWORD wBitsPerSample : 1; }; DWORD dwValue; } WAVEBANKMINIWAVEFORMAT, *LPWAVEBANKMINIWAVEFORMAT;
- wFormatTag
Format of the wave file. Can be one of the values in the following table. - nChannels
Number of channels in the wave file. Can be a value from 1 to 6. - nSamplesPerSec
Sampling rate of the wave file. - wBitsPerSample
Bit depth of the wave file. Can be one of the values in the following table. - dwValue
This member is unused.
Header: Declared in Xact2wb.h.