Fill Example
Select the size of the image to fill the shape. 30 60 120
<!-- Include the VML behavior -->
<style>v\: * { behavior: url(#default#VML);display:inline-block }</style>
<!-- Declare the VML namespace -->
<xml:namespace ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" prefix="v"/>
path = "m 1,1 l 1,200, 200,200, 200,1 x e">
<v:fill id="myfill" type=tile src="..\art\zip.gif" size="30pt,30pt"/>
<br />
<br />
<p>Select the size of the image to fill the shape.
<select name="FillSize">
<option selected="">30</option>
<script id="MYSCRIPT" language="VBScript">
Sub FillSize_OnChange
MySize = FillSize.Options(FillSize.SelectedIndex).Text
myfill.size = MySize + "pt," + MySize + "pt"
End Sub