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CreateHandoffTable Function

The CreateHandoffTable function creates a handoff table that includes the handoff set information stored in the INI file of the parser.


DWORD WINAPI CreateHandoffTable(
  __in   LPSTR secName,
  __in   LPSTR iniFile,
  __out  LPHANDOFFTABLE *hTable,
  __in   DWORD nMaxProtocolEntries,
  __in   DWORD base


  • secName [in]
    String that indicates the section of the INI file where the handoff set information is located.

  • iniFile [in]
    String that includes the name of the parser INI file.

  • hTable [out]
    Handle to a HANDOFFTABLE structure created and maintained by Network Monitor.

  • nMaxProtocolEntries [in]
    Number that specifies the maximum number of entries that the handoff table can process.

  • base [in]
    Numerical base of handoff set numbers stored in the INI file.

Return Value

If the function is successful, the return value is the number of entries in the handoff table.

If the function is unsuccessful, the return value is zero.


The handoff table created by Network Monitor is based on information provided in the parser INI. The returned handle to the handoff table can then be used to obtain a handle to one of the protocols included in the table. To obtain a handle of one of these protocols, call GetProtocolFromTable.

Notice that the parser application never accesses the HANDOFFTABLE structure directly. This structure is created and maintained by Network Monitor.


Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server
Header Netmon.h
Library Nmapi.lib
DLL Nmapi.dll

See Also



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Build date: 11/9/2009