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Specifies the desired average volume level of output audio content.

Constant for IPropertyBag


Data Type


Default Value

See Remarks.


You can set this value on the decoder for the purpose of dynamic range control, but it will have an effect only if the MFPKEY_WMADEC_DRCMODE property is set.

Note   Setting the average target value is not recommended. Adjusting the average value does not affect the difference between loud and soft sounds. Instead, it cuts or boosts the overall average volume which may cause undesirable distortion during playback.

If you request dynamic range control from the decoder when this property is not set, the codec will compute a default value.

Use the MFPKEY_WMADRC_AVGREF and MFPKEY_WMADRC_PEAKREF properties to compute appropriate values for this property.

Applies To

This write-only property is available on the decoder of the following codecs:


Client: Requires Windows Vista or Windows XP.

Header: Include wmcodecdsp.h.

See Also