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ColorOperator.AdjustSaturation(ColorValue,Single) Method (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D)

Adjusts the saturation value of a color.


Visual Basic Public Shared Function AdjustSaturation( _
    ByVal c As ColorValue, _
    ByVal s As Single _
) As ColorValue
C# public static ColorValue AdjustSaturation(
    ColorValue c,
    float s
C++ public:
static ColorValue AdjustSaturation(
    ColorValue c,
    float s
JScript public static function AdjustSaturation(
    c : ColorValue,
    s : float
) : ColorValue;


c Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.ColorValue
A ColorValue object that specifies the color to adjust.
s System.Single
Floating-point value that represents the saturation value to apply to the given color. See Remarks.

Return Value

A ColorValue object that represents the result of the saturation adjustment.


The s parameter linearly interpolates between the color converted to grayscale and the original color. There are no limits on the parameter's value. If the value is 0, the returned color is the grayscale color. If the value is 1, the returned color is the original color. If s is greater than 0 and less than 1, the saturation is decreased; if it is greater than 1, the saturation is increased.

The input alpha channel is copied, unmodified, to the output alpha channel.