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About the Reporting Pane in Operations Manager 2007

Operations Manager 2007 integrates reporting capability into the Operations Console by adding a Reporting area that you can access from console navigation pane. Security for reporting is integrated with Operations Manager security.


Reports in Operations Manager can be either targeted or generic.


Users must be a member of the Report Operator Users role to run reports.

All reports are shipped in Management Packs. If the object is monitored by a specific Management Pack that provides additional reports, selected reports are displayed in the Actions pane.

Targeted Reports

Targeted reports are run with parameters based on the console context at the time the report is run. Therefore, you do not need to search or enter the default parameters that are used by the report. Targeted reports are available in the Actions pane associated with the views within the monitoring section; for example, Alert View and State View.

Generic Reports

Generic reports are run from the Reporting pane without context from the console. For example, an Availability report that needs the user to enter a monitored object to run the report against is a generic report. You would need to manually select parameters to run these reports.

Report Builder

You can use the Report Builder feature to design an ad-hoc report. Documentation about Report Builder is available at A video that describes how to use Report Builder is available at

Reporting Pane

The reporting pane is where reports are always available and is accessed from the Reporting button in the navigation pane. These reports include a report library and authored reports. The report library contains generic reports (for example, Availability and Configuration Changes reports). Reports launched from here have no prespecified context. The context for the report is defined in the smart parameter header, located at the top of the Report window.

See Also


How to Cancel a Scheduled Report in Operations Manager 2007
How to Create a Report Schedule in Operations Manager 2007
How to Save a Report in Operations Manager 2007 Favorite Reports
How to Edit a Scheduled Report in Operations Manager 2007

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