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Vector3.Unproject(Vector3,Object,Matrix,Matrix,Matrix) Method (Microsoft.DirectX)

Projects a vector from screen space into object space.


Visual Basic Public Shared Function Unproject( _
    ByVal v As Vector3, _
    ByVal viewport As Object, _
    ByVal projection As Matrix, _
    ByVal view As Matrix, _
    ByVal world As Matrix _
) As Vector3
C# public static Vector3 Unproject(
    Vector3 v,
    object viewport,
    Matrix projection,
    Matrix view,
    Matrix world
C++ public:
static Vector3 Unproject(
    Vector3 v,
    ObjectLeave Siteviewport,
    Matrix projection,
    Matrix view,
    Matrix world
JScript public static function Unproject(
    v : Vector3,
    viewport : ObjectLeave Site,
    projection : Matrix,
    view : Matrix,
    world : Matrix
) : Vector3;


v Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3
Source Vector3 structure.
viewport System.Object
An ObjectLeave Site that represents the viewport.
projection Microsoft.DirectX.Matrix
A Matrix structure that represents the projection matrix.
view Microsoft.DirectX.Matrix
A Matrix structure that represents the view matrix.
world Microsoft.DirectX.Matrix
A Matrix structure that represents the world matrix.

Return Value

A Vector3 structure that is the vector projected from screen space into object space.

See Also