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ConstraintEvaluation simple type [SDM]

Platform SDK: System Definition Model Overview

ConstraintEvaluation Simple Type

Note: This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.

Defines values that allow the constraint developer to mark a constraint according to when it should run.

The time at which a constraint is evaluated changes the set of information that is available to the constraint. A constraint can be evaluated during the design process. Constraints that are evaluated at design time cannot depend on values that will only be supplied during deployment or that will only be available after deployment.

<xs:simpleType name="ConstraintEvaluation">
Defines values that allow the constraint developer to mark a constraint according to when it should run.


The following values are defined by the ConstraintEvaluation simple type:

Value Description
Design The constraint can be run at design time, deployment time, or during validation. This is the default value.
Never The constraint will never be executed.


The evaluation behavior of a constraint can be set on both structural constraints and on constraint members. In both cases, it applies to all nested constraints.

Constraints are marked as design time constraints by default and can be executed at any time.

See Also

SystemDefinitionModel Schema Simple Types

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