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ProcessorArchitectures simple type [SDM]

Platform SDK: System Definition Model Overview

ProcessorArchitectures Simple Type

Note: This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.

Defines the values used to identify the processor architecture on which an assembly will execute.

<xs:simpleType name="ProcessorArchitectures">
Defines the values used to identify the processor architecture on which an assembly will execute.


The following values are defined by the ProcessorArchitectures simple type:

Value Description
x86 Computer systems designed to run using Intel and compatible processors.
ia64 Intel Itanium processor.

An Intel microprocessor based on the 64-bit Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing (EPIC) architecture.

amd64 AMD 64-bit processor.
wow64 Microsoft Windows-32-bit-On-Windows-64-bit.

An operating system component in 64-bit Windows that supports 32-bit x86 platform applications.

msil Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL).

MSIL is the CPU-independent instruction set that is generated by the Microsoft .NET Framework compilers and consumed by the .NET Framework's common language runtime. Before MSIL can be executed, it must be converted to native, CPU-specific code by the common language runtime.

shx Not supported.
arm Advanced RISC Machine (ARM).

ARMs are small, high-performance, 32-bit RISC-based microprocessors licensed to various semiconductor manufacturers by designer ARM Ltd.

data Not supported.

See Also

SystemDefinitionModel Schema Simple Types

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