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SettingDefinitions complex type [SDM]

Platform SDK: System Definition Model Overview

SettingDefinitions Complex Type

Note: This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.

Defines the elements containing setting definitions used by setting members, including namespace declarations and namespace imports. The namespace imports in the XSD schema must match the imports in the related .sdm file with the exception of the XSD schema namespace.

<xs:complexType name="SettingDefinitions">
    <xs:attribute name="Manager"
The Common Language Runtime (CLR) assembly that contains helper classes for the XSD schema.
<xs:attribute name="ClrNamespace" type="string" use="required" />
The qualified CLR namespace in which the helper classes for the XSD schema are defined. For example, Microsoft.SystemDefinitionModel.
Defines the elements containing setting definitions used by setting members, including namespace declarations and namespace imports.


Name Type Description
ClrNamespace string The qualified CLR namespace in which the helper classes for the XSD schema are defined. For example, Microsoft.SystemDefinitionModel.
Manager QualifiedName The Common Language Runtime (CLR) assembly that contains helper classes for the XSD schema.

See Also

SystemDefinitionModel Schema Complex Types

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