Sys.Res Class
Provides static, culture-neutral exception messages that are used by the Microsoft Ajax Library framework.
This type supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Namespace: Sys
Inherits: None
var resVar = Sys.Res.actualValue;
Property |
Value as String |
actualValue |
"Actual value was {0}." |
appLoadTimedout |
"The application failed to load within the specified time out period." |
argument |
"Value does not fall within the expected range." |
argumentNull |
"Value cannot be null. |
argumentOutOfRange |
"Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. |
argumentType |
"Object cannot be converted to the required type. |
argumentTypeWithTypes |
"Object of type '{0}' cannot be converted to type '{1}'. |
argumentUndefined |
"Value cannot be undefined. |
assertFailed |
"Assertion Failed: {0} |
assertFailedCaller |
"Assertion Failed: {0}\r\nat {1} |
badBaseUrl1 |
"Base URL does not contain ://. |
badBaseUrl2 |
"Base URL does not contain another /. |
badBaseUrl3 |
"Cannot find last / in base URL. |
breakIntoDebugger |
"{0}\r\n\r\nBreak into debugger? |
cannotAbortBeforeStart |
"Cannot abort when executor has not started. |
cannotCallBeforeResponse |
"Cannot call {0} when responseAvailable is false. |
cannotCallOnceStarted |
"Cannot call {0} once started. |
cannotCallOutsideHandler |
"Cannot call {0} outside of a completed event handler. |
cannotDeserializeEmptyString |
"Cannot deserialize empty string. |
cannotSerializeNonFiniteNumbers |
"Cannot serialize non-finite numbers. |
controlCantSetId |
"The id property can't be set on a control. |
enumInvalidValue |
"'{0}' is not a valid value for enum {1}. |
eventHandlerInvalid |
"Handler was not added through the Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler method. |
format |
"One of the identified items was in an invalid format. |
formatBadDate |
"The string was not recognized as a valid Date. |
formatBadFormatSpecifier |
"Format specifier was invalid. |
formatInvalidString |
"Input string was not in a correct format. |
invalidExecutorType |
"Could not create a valid Sys.Net.WebRequestExecutor from: {0}. |
invalidHttpVerb |
"httpVerb cannot be set to an empty or null string. |
invalidOperation |
"Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object." |
invalidTimeout |
"Value must be greater than or equal to zero." |
invokeCalledTwice |
"Cannot call invoke more than once." |
notImplemented |
"The method or operation is not implemented." |
nullWebRequest |
"Cannot call executeRequest with a null webRequest." |