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MaxFrameRate Property

Gets or sets the maximum number of frames to render per second.

Scripting (Instantiation)


Scripting (Runtime)
frameRate = silverlightObject.settings.MaxFrameRate
silverlightObject.settings.MaxFrameRate = frameRate

Property Value


An integer value that specifies the maximum number of frames to render per second.

This property is read/write. The default value is 24.


This property is available on the settings sub-object of a Silverlight plug-in instance.

The actual frame rate that Silverlight content renders is dependent on system load performance. The maximum frame rate is 64. Any value that is set to greater than 64 is considered to be set to 64.

For more information on how this property is set during plug-in initialization, see Instantiating a Silverlight Plug-in (Using CreateSilverlight.js and Silverlight.js).

The format of the framerate counter is as follows:


currentFramerate is the optimal framerate that would apply in absence of an upper framerate limit, based on conditions of the plug-in's environment and reported by the plug-in. maxFramerate is configurable, via the framerate initialization parameter (see Instantiating a Silverlight Plug-in). maxFramerate defaults to 24. Each of these numbers is a value reporting frames per second (fps). These values are interpreted to mean that whichever number is lower is the actual displayed frame rate. You can illustrate this relationship between currentFramerate and maxFramerate and by setting a deliberately low frame rate such as 2 per second and observing the results.

Applies To

Silverlight Plug-in

See Also

Silverlight Object Models and Scripting to the Silverlight Plug-in
Instantiating a Silverlight Plug-in (Using CreateSilverlight.js and Silverlight.js)