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VEMapViewSpecification Constructor

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Initializes a new instance of the VEMapViewSpecification class.

var x = new VEMapViewSpecification(center, zoom, altitude, pitch, heading);


Parameter Description


A VELatLong Class object that specifies the center point of the map. Required.


An integer that represents the zoom level of the map. Required if VEMapMode Enumeration is set to Mode2D. Ignored if VEMapMode is set to Mode3D and the altitude parameter is specified.


If VEMapMode Enumeration is set to Mode3D, the altitude of the view, in meters above the geoid.


If VEMapMode Enumeration is set to Mode3D, the pitch of the view, in degrees. A value of –90 is straight down and a value of 0 is level.


If VEMapMode Enumeration is set to Mode3D, the heading of the view, in compass degrees. A value of 0 or 360 is true north.
