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This topic describes the changes in the 6.3 release of the Bing Maps AJAX Control 6.3 SDK.

New Map Control Elements

The following API members are new in the 6.3 release of the map control.

Name Description

VEGeocodeOptions Class

Contains additional geocoding options for the VEMap.Geocode Method.

VEMap.Geocode Method

Finds a geographic location based on a specified address or place name string as well as other geocoding options.

VEMap.Search Method

Performs a search based on a given query and options.

VEMapOptions.DashboardColor Property

A String that specifies whether the map dashboard, or navigation control, is colored blue or black. Valid values are “blue” or “black”. The default value is “blue”.

VEMapOptions.EnableClickableLogo Property

A Boolean value indicating whether the BingTM logo on the map is clickable. The default value is false.

VEMapOptions.EnableSearchLogo Property

A Boolean value indicating whether to enable the BingTM hovering search logo on the map. The default value is false.

VEMapOptions.UseEnhancedRoadStyle Property

A Boolean value indicating whether to use the enhanced road map style. The default value is false.

VESearchOptions Class

Contains additional search options for the VEMap.Search Method.

VEShape.Draggable Property

A Boolean value indicating whether the VEShape icon on the map can be dragged using the mouse.

VEShape.ondrag Event

Occurs when a shape is being dragged across the map.

VEShape.onenddrag Event

Occurs when a shape drag has stopped.

VEShape.onstartdrag Event

Occurs when the user starts dragging the shape.