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VEMap.GetLeft Method

You are not viewing the latest version of the AJAX control. Bing Maps AJAX V7 is the recommended JavaScript control for Bing Maps. If you need this documentation, it is available in as a CHM or PDF download.

Returns the pixel value of the left edge of the map control.


Return Value

The position of the left edge of the map control.


The pixel value is relative to the browser window, not the entire display screen.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

      <script type="text/javascript">
         var map = null;
         function GetMap()
            map = new VEMap('myMap');

         function GetInfo()
            // VEMap.GetTop returns the position of the top edge of the map control, in pixels.
            // VEMap.GetLeft returns the position of the left edge of the map control, in pixels.
            // These units are defined using standard DHTML markup.
            // See the style attribute for the <div> element 'myMap'.
            var info = 'The top edge of the map on the Web page is at pixel: '+ map.GetTop() + "\n";
            info += 'The left edge of the map on the Web page is at pixel: '+ map.GetLeft() + "\n";
            info += 'The latitude,longitude at the center of the map is: '+ map.GetCenter() + "\n";
            info += 'The current zoom level of the map is: '+ map.GetZoomLevel() + "\n";
            info += 'The map control version is: '+ VEMap.GetVersion() + "\n";            
   <body onload="GetMap();">
      <div id='myMap' style="position:relative; width:400px; height:400px; top:25px; left:25px"></div>
      <INPUT id="getinfo" style="position:relative" type="button" value="Get Info" onclick="GetInfo();">