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How to Disable a Monitor or Rule Using Overrides in System Center Essentials

In Essentials 2007, if a Management Pack's default settings contain a monitor or rule that is not necessary in your environment, you can use overrides to disable this monitor or rule.

To disable a monitor or rule using overrides

  1. In the Essentials 2007 console, click the Authoring button.

  2. In the Authoring pane, click **Monitors (**or Rules if you want to disable a rule).

  3. Click the monitor or rule that you want to disable.

  4. Click Overrides in the Essentials 2007 toolbar, and then point to Disable the Monitor (or Disable the Rule if you are disabling a rule). You can choose to override the monitor (or rule) for a single object, object type, or a group of objects. Depending on your selection you may need to specify one or more object types or a group, and then click OK.

See Also


How to Override a Monitor in System Center Essentials


Overrides in System Center Essentials
Targeting in System Center Essentials