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Expression Builder

The Expression Builder tool in System Center Updates Publisher provides the ability to add, delete, and organize the rules defined in software updates definitions. The tool is available on the Define Prerequisite Rules, Define Applicability Rules, and Define Installed Rules pages of the Create Update Wizard and Modify Update Wizard.

The Expression Builder contains the following elements:

  • Add Rule icon
    Opens the Add Rule dialog box where the properties for the new rule are configured. After the rule has been created, it is added as the last rule in the top-level group if no row is selected. If a row is selected in Expression Builder and then the rule is created, the rule is added directly under the selected row and is a member of the same group as the selected row.
  • Move Up icon
    Moves the highlighted rule up in the list of rules in the Expression Builder.
  • Move Down icon
    Moves the highlighted rule down in the list of rules.
  • Delete icon
    Deletes the highlighted rule from the software update definition. Saved rules are still available in the Manage Rules dialog box.
  • Add Group icon
    Adds a group to the selected rules. Select one or more rules under the main group, and then click the Add Group icon to create a subgroup of logical And/Or expressions. By default, all groups are added as Or expressions but can be changed to the And operator.
  • Delete Group icon
    Deletes the group for the selected rules. Select one or more updates that have been grouped together and click the Delete Group icon to remove the group.
  • Expand
    Displays the Expression Builder in full-screen mode. Click Return to Wizard to return to the normal wizard view.

See Also


How to Create Rules in Updates Publisher
How to Edit Rules in Updates Publisher
How to Delete Rules in Updates Publisher
How to Use the Expression Builder


Add Rule Dialog Box
Modify Rule Dialog Box


About the Create Update Wizard and Modify Update Wizard

Other Resources

Create/Modify Update Wizard
Updates Publisher Dialog Boxes
Updates Publisher Rules