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Event Review: Making Identity and Access Management Real: Destination Reached (Session ITPROHOT-12)

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Session Outline

In part three, we expand on the concepts presented in the previous webcast by showing how to move from a "standardized" to a "dynamic" infrastructure. Continuing with our example scenario, we show how a fictional company, Contoso, achieves the single sign-on (SSO) requirement with minimal complexity and cost. We illustrate several key objectives of the dynamic infrastructure, such as applying Group Policy and enabling enhanced control of desktops. Learn how to implement Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) for inventory, security, and patch management, and how to deploy Microsoft Identity Integration Server (MIIS) to integrate computers running the Linux operating system with SSO.

Session Media

This session consists of a Windows Media presentation and demonstrations:
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Demo: Implementing Group Policy to Control Desktops

In this demonstration, we will configure several Group Policy settings to help control desktops.
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Demo: Extending Single Sign-On with MIIS

In this demonstration, we will configure MIIS for password synchronization with a legacy Web application.
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