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VideoPreview Object

Displays the video stream of a video imaging device. A VideoPreview object can be created by dropping the VideoPreview control on a form or by using an OBJECT tag. The VideoPreview control is a visible control.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the VideoPreview object.

Property Description
Device (VideoPreview) Sets or retrieves the Device to preview.
Pause Sets or retrieves a value indicating whether video playback is paused.


Note that the VideoPreview control uses and displays the first available video imaging device on initialization. Consequently, if you want to use more than one VideoPreview control on a Microsoft Visual Basic form, HTML page, or HTML Application (HTA), you might encounter problems specifing the Device (VideoPreview) property as it might already be in use in a different VideoPreview control. The easiest way to handle this is to set all Device (VideoPreview) properties to Nothing prior to using any of them.

For example code, see Use VideoPreview Control in HTML in Shared Samples.

Object Information

CLSID Not available
Minimum operating systems Windows XP SP1

See Also
