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WiaImageIntent Enumeration

Helps specify what type of data the image is intended to represent.


Enum WiaImageIntent
    UnspecifiedIntent = 0
    ColorIntent = 1
    GrayscaleIntent = 2
    TextIntent = 4
End Enum


  • UnspecifiedIntent
    No intent specified.
  • ColorIntent
    The image is a color illustration.
  • GrayscaleIntent
    The image is grayscale data.
  • TextIntent
    The image is a text image such as a fax or scanned document.


The Intent parameter for both the ShowAcquireImage and ShowSelectItems methods can have a value from the WiaImageIntent enumeration.

The following example shows how to call the ShowAcquireImage method with the TextIntent value.

Dim Img 'As ImageFile

Set Img = CommonDialog1.ShowAcquireImage(UnspecifiedDeviceType, _
                                         TextIntent, _
                                         MaximizeQuality, _

Enumeration Information

Minimum operating systems Windows XP SP1