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IEntryPointContract2 Members

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This API supports the Visual Studio Tools for Applications infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Loads, initializes, and handles the shut down of entry point classes in the add-in assembly.

The IEntryPointContract2 type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AcquireLifetimeToken Specifies that the contract is accessible to a client until the client revokes the contract. (Inherited from IContract.)
Public method ExecuteEntryPoints Finalizes the initialization of the add-in entry points.
Public method GetEntryPointObjects Gets an array of IRemoteObjectContract objects that each represent the current instance of an entry point class.
Public method GetRemoteHashCode Returns a hash code for the IContract. (Inherited from IContract.)
Public method InitializeEntryPoints Begins general initialization work and initialization of data bindings after the entry points have been loaded.
Public method LoadEntryPoints Loads the add-in assembly and instantiates the entry point classes.
Public method QueryContract Returns a contract that is implemented by this contract. (Inherited from IContract.)
Public method RemoteEquals Indicates whether the specified contract is equal to this IContract. (Inherited from IContract.)
Public method RemoteToString Returns a string representation of the current IContract. (Inherited from IContract.)
Public method RevokeLifetimeToken Specifies that the contract is no longer accessible to a client. (Inherited from IContract.)
Public method Shutdown Performs operations that need to be completed before the add-in assembly unloads, such as clean-up of resources.


See Also


IEntryPointContract2 Interface

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Contract Namespace