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Microsoft.Webstore.WstClient Namespace

[This is internal Microsoft documentation - Do not distribute.]


Class Description
DenylistingCategoryInstaller Category installer for the Denylisting event source.
ExecutionEngineCategoryInstaller Category installer for the ExecutionEngine event source.
ExecutionEngineEvents Events in the ExecutionEngine module.
ThrottlingCategoryInstaller Category installer for the Throttling event source.
ThrottlingEvents Events in the Throttling module.
WstClientPerformanceCounterInstaller An installer for Webstore Client Library Performance Counters.
WstCommand WstCommand is Webstore's version of SqlCommand object. Uses the WstConnection "virtual" connection to a Webstore Application. A SqlConnection is not obtained until one of the ExecuteXXX() methods are called.
WstConnection Represents a "virtual" connection to a Webstore Application. This class abstracts over the SqlConnection class. It represents a virtual connection to the whole set of databases that make up a Webstore application (partitions, replicas). The actual SqlConnection is established upon WstCommand.ExecuteXXX() methods by looking up the appropriate server/db from the FSS map (including honoring offline, blacklisted, stale replicas, retry, etc).
WstContext WstContext provides the Webstore routing and failover information (Deployment Name, Partition, Failover options). This context is used as input to the Webstore File/Directory APIs (WstFile, WstDirectory, WstFileStream, WstFileInfo, WstDirectoryInfo) so that Webstore can route the operations to the correct File Shares.
WstDataAdapter This class implements the IDbDataAdapter functionality. Luckily, most of the functionality is implemented by the base class DbDataAdapter.
WstDataReader The WstDataReader is created by invoking the WstCommand.ExecuteReader() method. The WstDataReader class is a thin wrapper over the SqlDataReader resultset. The WstDataReader may contain multiple SqlDataReader resultsets if the WstCommand executed on multiple partitions and/or replicas
WstDirectory WstDirectory exposes static methods for creating, moving, and enumerating through directories and subdirectories. (This is the Webstore equivalent of the System.IO.Directory class).
WstDirectoryInfo Exposes instance methods for creating, moving, and enumerating through directories and subdirectories. (This is the Webstore equivalent to the System.IO.DirectoryInfo class).
WstError Summary description for WstError.
WstException Webstore specific exceptions.
WstFile Provides static methods for the creation, copying, deletion, moving, and opening of files, and aids in the creation of FileStream objects. WstFileStream is a thin wrapper over the .NET Framework FileStream object.
WstFileInfo Provides instance methods for the creation, copying, deletion, moving, and opening of files, and aids in the creation of WstFileStream objects. (This is the Webstore equivalent of the System.IO.FileInfo class).
WstFileStream Exposes a Stream around a file, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous read and write operations.
WstFileSystemInfo Provides instance methods for the creation, copying, deletion, moving, and opening of files, and aids in the creation of WstFileStream objects. (This is the Webstore equivalent of the System.IO.FileInfo class).
WstHash Implementation of Webstore's default hash algorithm. Application Developers can choose to use the Webstore Hashing algorithm, or use their own hash or lookup based method to partition their data.
WstRowUpdatedEventArgs Webstore specific class for RowUpdatedEventArgs
WstRowUpdatingEventArgs Webstore specific class for RowUpdatingEventArgs
WstTransaction Summary description for WstTransaction.
WstXmlReader The WstXmlReader is created by invoking the WstCommand.ExecuteXmlReader() method. The WstXmlReader class is a thin wrapper over the XmlReader resultset. The WstXmlReader may contain multiple XmlReader resultsets if the WstCommand executed on multiple partitions and/or replicas, so we have additional public method NextResult() to move to next XmlReader result.


Delegate Description
WstRowUpdatedEventHandler Delegate for WstRowUpdatedEvent
WstRowUpdatingEventHandler Delegate for WstRowUpdatingEvent


Enumeration Description
WstFailoverMode WstFailoverMode determines which DB replica to execute the command, or FileShare to work against for File operations, as well as what automatic failover options are allowed.
WstPartitionType Used when specifying logical vs physical partition mode