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SQL Server Troubleshooting and Support

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          <h4>Ask a Question in the Forums</h4>
          <p>Search the forums for an answer to your question, or ask a question if you can’t find the answer.</p>

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          <h4>Contact Microsoft for Additional Help</h4>
          <p>Use the links below to see support options that are available from Microsoft.</p>
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                  <strong>Assisted Support Options</strong>
                    <a runat="server" href="">SQL Server 2012</a>
                    <a runat="server" id="ctl00_mainContentContainer_ctl46" href=";st=1&amp;wfxredirect=1&amp;sd=gn">SQL Server 2008 R2</a>
                    <a runat="server" id="ctl00_mainContentContainer_ctl46" href=";ln=en-us&amp;c1=508&amp;gprid=13165&amp;">SQL Server 2008</a>
                    <a runat="server" id="ctl00_mainContentContainer_ctl47" href=";gprid=2855&amp;">SQL Server 2005</a>
                    <a runat="server" ToolTip="TechNet Subscriber Support Benefits" href="">Subscriber Support Benefits</a>
              <td align="left" valign="top">
                  <strong>Additional Support Options</strong>
                    <a runat="server" id="ctl00_mainContentContainer_ctl33" ToolTip="Find non-U.S. and -Canadian support resources" href=";sd=tech">Find non-U.S. and -Canadian support resources</a>
                    <a runat="server" id="ctl00_mainContentContainer_ctl35" ToolTip="How long is my product supported?" href="">How long is my product supported?</a>

            <strong>For Microsoft Partners</strong>
              <a runat="server" href="">Unlimited SQL Server Support for Partners</a>

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        <h3>SQL Server Resources</h3>
            <a runat="server" href="">SQL Server Update Center</a>
            <a runat="server" href=""></a>
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      <h3>CSS Escalation Engineer Blog</h3>
      <p>Visit the <a runat="server" href="">official team blog</a> for Microsoft Customer Service and Support (CSS) SQL Support. Posts are provided by the CSS SQL Escalation Services team.</p>
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        <a runat="server" href="">More from the CSS blog...</a>