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Common Options

The following table shows the options that are common to all devices types.

Option Syntax Description
TraceLvl TraceLvl=sometracelevel Trace level (in hexadecimal) to which this device will respond. By default, it will trace everything (0xFFFFFFFF).
TracePri TracePri=sometracepriority Trace priority (in hexadecimal) to which this device will respond. By default, it will trace everything (0xFFFF0000).
EnableLvl EnableLvl=somelvl|someotherlvl Trace levels that the user application wants to enable. Each level is a string with levels separated by “|”. For example, EnableLvl=Msg|Error will enable the message and error levels. It also applies to user-defined levels. If a level is specified in both EnableLvl and DisableLvl options, the EnableLvl has higher precedence.

User-defined levels must be enabled for them to be traced in the log. Otherwise, they will not be output.

DisableLvl DisableLvl=somelvl|someotherlvl Trace levels that the user application wants to disable. Each level is a string with levels separated by “|”. For example, DisableLvl=Msg|Error will disable the message and error levels. It also applies to user-defined levels. If a level is specified in both EnableLvl and DisableLvl options, the EnableLvl has higher precedence.

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Built on December 10, 2009