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WTTLog Functions (C)

The following C functions represent an interface (IWTTLog) for logging messages and errors.

Function Description
WTTLogAddErrorToErrorList Adds a known error to an error list.
WTTLogAssert Checks the specified condition and, if the condition is false, fails the test case unless a trace is logged or you specifically declare the test case to be skipped.
WTTLogCheckResult Checks a specified result and logs an error if the result shows a failure.
WTTLogCheckResultEx Checks a specified result against a target result and logs an error if both the value and type match.
WTTLogClearErrorList Removes all errors of the specified type from a given list of known errors.
WTTLogCloseLogDevice Closes a log device topology that the device string or the handle specifies.
WTTLogCreateLogDevice Create a log device topology according to the device string.
WTTLogDisableTraceLevels Disables the specified set of device trace levels.
WTTLogEnableTraceLevels Enables the specified set of device trace levels.
WTTLogEndTest Traces the end of a test case, clears current test case context, and sets it to the parent context.
WTTLogEndTestEx Traces the end of a test case and enables you to specify a GUID-based test ID and a test hierarchy.
WTTLogGetContext Retrieves the current context of the logger object.
WTTLogGetPFRollupStats Retrieves the current pass-fail statistics.
WTTLogInit Initializes the DTM Logger DLL.
WTTLogPFRollup Initializes the pass-fail statistics to the specified values.
WTTLogRemoveErrorFromErrorList Deletes the specified error from a list of known errors.
WTTLogSetContext Sets the current context of the logger object for all subsequent traces.
WTTLogStartTest Traces the start of a test case.
WTTLogStartTestEx Traces the start of a test case and enables you to specify a GUID-based test ID and a test hierarchy.
WTTLogTrace Logs a trace of the specified device at the given trace level.
WTTLogTraceEx Logs a trace of the specified device at the given trace level by using an XML-formatted data string.
WTTLogTraceMachineInfo Sets the specified computer as the trace machine.
WTTLogUninit Removes the DTM Logger DLL from memory.
WTTLogUserDefinedTrace Logs trace data by using a user-defined trace level.
WTTLogUserDefinedTraceEx Logs trace data by using a user-defined trace level and an XML-formatted data string.


Header: Wttlogger.h

Library: WTTLog.dll

See Also

CWTTLogger Class (C++), IWTTLog Interface (COM)

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Built on December 10, 2009