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Configuring the Test Environment

Before you can run the logo tests, a DTM administrator must have performed the steps described in DTM Controller and Client Configuration.

Many of the tests in the DTM require a test system to restart (often more than once) to complete a test run. As a result of this, it is recommended that you do the following:

  1. Configure your test computers to boot from the regular boot sector of a hard drive and not from external devices, CD, or DVD boot discs.
  2. Follow the guidelines to enable automatic logon on your test computers (client computers) in the DTM Lab Security topic.

You might also need to configure your test clients specifically to the logo tests you plan to run. For example, if you are testing a specific device, you must ensure that each client has the device connected to it, and the necessary drivers are installed and configured.

To configure your test clients to test for a "Designed for Microsoft Windows" logo, read the "Xxx Testing" topic in this documentation that is appropriate for your device class.

You might also be required to deploy a dimension as part of the configuration process for the client computers. For information about what a dimension is, refer to the topic about defining and viewing dimensions. The "Preparing For Xxx Testing" topics will give you instructions on how to deploy a dimension for your particular device.

To deploy a dimension to a machine pool

  1. In the Job Monitor window, in the Machine Pool tab, right-click the machine pool that contains the client machines, and then click Properties.

  2. In the Properties dialog box, click the MCU Policy tab.

  3. In the Available dimensions window, locate and select the <this_dimension> dimension, and then click Add.

  4. Click OK to deploy the dimension.

Note MCU stands for machine configuration update. When you apply a dimension to a machine pool, you update the configuration of all the computers in the pool. The dimensions, then, are displayed in a window with the title MCU Policy.

If you suspect that the dimension you applied to the machine pool has not completed, complete the following procedure.

To determine if the dimension has completed

  1. In the Machine Pool pane, click the machine pool, and then click Refresh.

  2. In the Job Execution Status pane, a job status icon with a green check mark indicates that the job has completed successfully.

    Note For a list of icons and their meanings, see the Monitoring Job Status topic.

If you suspect that a particular computer in the machine pool is not yet configured with the dimension that you applied to the machine pool, complete the following procedure:

To determine if the dimension has been applied to a computer in the machine pool

  1. In the Machines pane, double-click the computer to view its configuration details.

  2. In the Machine Details tab, in the Details area, confirm that you selected the correct computer.

  3. Click the Machine Dimensions tab.

  4. In the Dimension column, confirm that the Value column for the dimension you are investigating shows a value of True.

    Note If you do not find the dimension listed in the Dimension column for this computer, the dimension has either not been applied yet or it has not completed running.

If you reinstalled DTM client on one of the computers in the machine pool and you now want to reapply a dimension to that computer, complete the following procedure:

To reapply a dimension to a computer in the machine pool after DTM client was reinstalled on the computer

  1. Drag the client computer out of the machine pool and into the Default Pool (or any other machine pool).

  2. Drag the computer out of the Default Pool and drop it back into the original machine pool.

    Note This action will cause the client computer to inherit the dimension that is applied to the machine pool, resulting in the dimension being reapplied to the client computer.

After you have configured the testing environment that is appropriate for your device, you can follow the steps in the generic logo submission exercise to familiarize yourself with the submission process.

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Built on December 10, 2009