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The Remove-EnrollmentServiceLog cmdlet removes operational log entries from the Enrollment service database.

If you specify an end date, the Remove-EnrollmentServiceLog cmdlet only removes log entries created before the specified date. If you do not specify any parameters, the Remove-EnrollmentServiceLog cmdlet removes no log entries.


Remove-EnrollmentServiceLog [-EndDate <DateTime>] [-WriteToFile <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


The following describes the Remove-EnrollmentServiceLog cmdlet parameters.

  • EndDate <DateTime>
    Specifies the latest operational log entry to remove from the database. The cmldet removes log entries before this date and time. If you do not specify a time, 00:00:00 (midnight) is the default setting.
  • WriteToFile <String>
    Specifies the file path to which the cmdlet writes the deleted operation log entries, in comma-delimited text file (.csv) format. If the file does not exist, the cmdlet will create it. If the file already exists, the cmdlet will overwrite it.
  • WhatIf
    Informs you of what changes would be made if the action were to be performed (the cmdlet is not executed).
  • Confirm
    Prompts you for confirmation before the cmdlet executes.
  • CommonParameters
    This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, and -OutVariable. For more information, at the Mobile Device Manager (MDM) Shell prompt, type, get-help about_commonparameters.

Input Type


Output Type



This Remove-EnrollmentServiceLog command example removes all Enrollment service log entries before January 14, 2007, and writes the deleted entries into the .csv file, archive.csv.

C:\PS>Remove-EnrollmentServiceLog -enddate "1/14/07" -writetofile archive.csv

Cmdlet Help

To view this information online, at the MDM Shell prompt, type:

get-help Remove-EnrollmentServiceLog -detailed, or get-help Remove-EnrollmentServiceLog -full

See Also

