TypeLibInfoClass.GetTypesWithMemberEx Method

This API supports the Visual Studio Tools for Applications infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Namespace:  TLI
Assembly:  Microsoft.TLI.Interop (in Microsoft.TLI.Interop.dll)


Public Overridable Function GetTypesWithMemberEx ( _
    MemberName As String, _
    InvokeKind As InvokeKinds, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef StartResults As SearchResults, _
    SearchType As TliSearchTypes, _
    Sort As Boolean, _
    ShowUnderscore As Boolean _
) As SearchResults
Dim instance As TypeLibInfoClass 
Dim MemberName As String 
Dim InvokeKind As InvokeKinds 
Dim StartResults As SearchResults 
Dim SearchType As TliSearchTypes 
Dim Sort As Boolean 
Dim ShowUnderscore As Boolean 
Dim returnValue As SearchResults 

returnValue = instance.GetTypesWithMemberEx(MemberName, _
    InvokeKind, StartResults, SearchType, _
    Sort, ShowUnderscore)
public virtual SearchResults GetTypesWithMemberEx(
    string MemberName,
    InvokeKinds InvokeKind,
    out SearchResults StartResults,
    TliSearchTypes SearchType,
    bool Sort,
    bool ShowUnderscore
virtual SearchResults^ GetTypesWithMemberEx(
    [InAttribute] String^ MemberName, 
    [InAttribute] InvokeKinds InvokeKind, 
    [InAttribute] [OutAttribute] SearchResults^% StartResults, 
    [InAttribute] TliSearchTypes SearchType, 
    [InAttribute] bool Sort, 
    [InAttribute] bool ShowUnderscore
public function GetTypesWithMemberEx(
    MemberName : String, 
    InvokeKind : InvokeKinds, 
    StartResults : SearchResults, 
    SearchType : TliSearchTypes, 
    Sort : boolean, 
    ShowUnderscore : boolean
) : SearchResults


Return Value

Type: TLI.SearchResults


_TypeLibInfo.GetTypesWithMemberEx(String, InvokeKinds, SearchResults%, TliSearchTypes, Boolean, Boolean)

.NET Framework Security

See Also


TypeLibInfoClass Class

TypeLibInfoClass Members

TLI Namespace