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Appendix E Code Page Support in Microsoft Windows

This appendix consists of one table that lists code pages and indicates which Microsoft Win32 operating systems support them. It also lists whether each code page is a valid ANSI code page (ACP) or an MS-DOS code page (OEMCP).

FE = Valid for Far East systems only

Code-Page Support in Microsoft Windows

Code Page ID Name ACP OEMCP Windows
NT 3.1
NT 3.51
1200 Unicode (BMP of ISO 10646)     X X *
1250 Windows 3.1 Eastern European X   X X X
1251 Windows 3.1 Cyrillic X   X X X
1252 Windows 3.1 US (ANSI) X   X X X
1253 Windows 3.1 Greek X   X X X
1254 Windows 3.1 Turkish X   X X X
1255 Hebrew X       X
1256 Arabic X       X
1257 Baltic X       X
1361 Korean (Johab) X     ** X
437 MS-DOS United States   X X X X
708 Arabic (ASMO 708)   X     X
709 Arabic (ASMO 449+, BCON V4)   X     X
710 Arabic (Transparent Arabic)   X     X
720 Arabic (Transparent ASMO)   X     X
737 Greek (formerly 437G)   X X X X
775 Baltic   X     X
850 MS-DOS Multilingual (Latin 1)   X X X X
852 MS-DOS Slavic (Latin 2)   X X X X
855 IBM Cyrillic   X X X X
857 IBM Turkish   X X X X
860 MS-DOS Portuguese   X X X X
861 MS-DOS Icelandic   X X X X
862 Hebrew   X     X
863 MS-DOS Canadian French   X X X X
864 Arabic   X     X
865 MS-DOS Nordic   X X X X
866 MS-DOS Russian   X X X X
869 IBM Modern Greek   X X X X
874 Thai X X     X
932 Japanese X X   FE X
936 Chinese (People's Republic of China, Singapore) X X   FE X
949 Korean X X   FE X
950 Chinese (Hong Kong SAR, Taiwan) X X   FE X
10000 Macintosh Roman     X X X
10001 Macintosh Japanese       FE X
10006 Macintosh Greek 1     X X X
10007 Macintosh Cyrillic     X X X
10029 Macintosh Latin 2     X X X
10079 Macintosh Icelandic       X X
10081 Macintosh Turkish     X X X
037 EBCDIC     X X  
500 EBCDIC 500V1     X X  
1026 EBCDIC     X X  
875 EBCDIC     X X  

* The conversion to and from code pages and Unicode is available on the microsoft Windows 95 via the Multibyte-ToWideChar and WideCharToMultiByte APIs.

** The Korean edition of Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 supports the Johab character set.Windows NT 3.5 does not support Johab.