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SocketOptionName Enumeration

Specifies the configuration options that control the behavior of a socket.

Namespace: System.Net.Sockets
Assembly: System (in system.dll)


public enum SocketOptionName


  Member name Description
AcceptConnection A value you use to listen for a connection.
AddMembership A value you use to add an Internet Protocol (IP) group membership.
AddSourceMembership A value you use to join a source group.
BlockSource A value you use to block data from a source.
Broadcast A value you use to permit the sending of broadcast messages on the socket.
BsdUrgent A value specifying that urgent data be used as explained in RFC-1222. Note that you can set this option only once; after you set it, you cannot turn it off.
ChecksumCoverage A value you use to get or set the UDP checksum coverage.
Debug A value you use to record debugging information.
DontFragment A value specifying that IP datagrams not be fragmented.
DontLinger A value you use to close the socket gracefully without lingering.
DontRoute A value specifying that a packet not be routed, but that it be sent directly to the interface addresses.
DropMembership A value you use to drop an IP group membership.
DropSourceMembership A value you use to drop a source group.
Error A value you use to get the error status.
ExclusiveAddressUse A value you use to enable a socket to be bound for exclusive access.
Expedited A value specifying that expedited data be used as explained in RFC-1222. Note that you can set this option only once; after you set it, you cannot turn it off.
HeaderIncluded A value specifying that the application provides the IP header for outgoing datagrams.
HopLimit A value specifying the maximum number of router hops for an Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) packet. This is similar to the Time to Live(TTL) option for Internet Protocol version 4.
IPOptions A value specifying that the IP options to be inserted into outgoing datagrams.
IpTimeToLive A value you use to set the IP header TTL field.
KeepAlive A value specifying that keep-alives are used.
Linger A value specifying that a socket will linger on closing if there is still unsent data.
MaxConnections Not supported in .NET Micro Framework. Note that using this member will throw a SocketException exception.
MulticastInterface A value that sets the interface for outgoing multicast packets.
MulticastLoopback A value specifying that an IP multicast loopback be used.
MulticastTimeToLive A value specifying that an IP multicast TTL limit be used.
NoChecksum A value you use to send UDP datagrams with checksum set to 0 (zero).
NoDelay A value that disables the Nagle algorithm for send coalescing.
OutOfBandInline A value you use to receive out-of-band data in the normal data stream.
PacketInformation A value you use to return information about received packets.
ReceiveBuffer A value that specifies the total per-socket buffer space reserved for receives. This is unrelated to the maximum message size or the size of a TCP window.
ReceiveLowWater A value that specifies the low-water mark for Receive operations.
ReceiveTimeout A value you use to receive a time-out. Not currently supported.
ReuseAddress A value you use to allow binding to an address that is already in use.
SendBuffer A value that specifies the total per-socket buffer space reserved for sends. This is unrelated to the maximum message size or the size of a TCP window.
SendLowWater A value that specifies the low-water mark for Send operations.
SendTimeout A value you use to send a time-out.
Type A value you use to get the socket type.
TypeOfService A value you use to change the IP header type of the service field.
UnblockSource A value you use to unblock a previously blocked source.
UpdateAcceptContext A value you use to update an accepted socket's properties by using those of an existing socket. This is equivalent to using the Winsock2 SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT socket option and is supported only for connection-oriented sockets.
UpdateConnectContext A value you use to update a connected socket's properties by using those of an existing socket. This is equivalent to using the Winsock2 SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT socket option and is supported only for connection-oriented sockets.
UseLoopback A value you use to bypass hardware whenever possible.


Use one of the SetSocketOption methods to configure a socket.

Version Information

Available in .NET Micro Framework version 2.0, 2.5

See Also


System.Net.Sockets Namespace