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WSDiscoveryResources Members

The WSDiscoveryResources class contains the exceptions generated by the discovery library.

The following tables list the members exposed by the WSDiscoveryResources type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
WSDiscoveryResources Creates a new instance of the WSDiscoveryResources class.


Public Properties

  Name Description
AsyncObjectAlreadyEnded The discovery library is trying to end an asynchronous operation that has already ended.
Culture Gets or sets the culture information.
ExceptionInBeginTryReceive The beginning of an asynchronous TryReceive operation threw a CommunicationException exception.
ExceptionInEndTryReceive The ending of an asynchronous TryReceive operation threw a CommunicationException exception.
NoEndpointReferenceInDiscoveryMessage The discovery message does not have an endpoint reference or the endpoint reference has an invalid URI.
NoXAddrsInDiscoveryMessage The discovery message does not have any transport addresses that BizTalk RFID can recognize.
OnlyOneSearchAllowed A search is already underway. Only one search is allowed at any point of time.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object)
ExceptionInBeginReceive The beginning of an asynchronous receive operation threw a CommunicationException exception.
GetHashCode  (inherited from Object)
GetType  (inherited from Object)
InvalidScopeSegment The specified scope is invalid. A scope in a discovery message cannot have "." or ".." as segments.
OnlyIPV4OrIPV6 The value of the AddressFamily field can only be InterNetwork (IPV4) or InterNetworkV6 (IPV6).
PrefixInQNameNotDefined The prefix used in the XML qualified name is not defined.
ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object)
ToString  (inherited from Object)
UdpSendFailed A UDP error occurred while sending a message to an endpoint.
UdpTransmitFailed A UDP error occurred while transmitting the data through a socket.


Protected Methods

  Name Description
Finalize  (inherited from Object)
MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)


See Also


WSDiscoveryResources Class
Microsoft.Rfid.WSDiscovery Namespace