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Performing Synchronous Device I/O

This section discusses the Windows functions that allow you to perform synchronous device I/O. Keep in mind that a device can be a file, mailslot, pipe, socket, and so on. No matter which device is used, the I/O is performed using the same functions.

Without a doubt, the easiest and most commonly used functions for reading from and writing to devices are ReadFile and WriteFile:

BOOL ReadFile( 
HANDLE  hFile, 
PVOID   pvBuffer, 
DWORD   nNumBytesToRead, 
PDWORD  pdwNumBytes, 
OVERLAPPED* pOverlapped); 
BOOL WriteFile( 
HANDLE  hFile, 
CONST VOID *pvBuffer, 
DWORD   nNumBytesToWrite, 
PDWORD  pdwNumBytes, 
OVERLAPPED* pOverlapped);

The hFile parameter identifies the handle of the device you want to access. When the device is opened, you must not specify the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flag, or the system will think that you want to perform asynchronous I/O with the device. The pvBuffer parameter points to the buffer to which the device’s data should be read or to the buffer containing the data that should be written to the device. The nNumBytesToRead and nNumBytesToWrite parameters tell ReadFile and WriteFile how many bytes to read from the device and how many bytes to write to the device, respectively.

The pdwNumBytes parameters indicate the address of a DWORD that the functions fill with the number of bytes successfully transmitted to and from the device. The last parameter, pOverlapped, should be NULL when performing synchronous I/O. You’ll examine this parameter in more detail shortly when asynchronous I/O is discussed.

Both ReadFile and WriteFile return TRUE if successful. By the way, ReadFile can be called only for devices that were opened with the GENERIC_READ flag. Likewise, WriteFile can be called only when the device is opened with the GENERIC_WRITE flag.

Flushing Data to the Device

Remember from our look at the CreateFile function that you can pass quite a few flags to alter the way in which the system caches file data. Some other devices, such as serial ports, mailslots, and pipes, also cache data. If you want to force the system to write cached data to the device, you can call FlushFileBuffers:

BOOL FlushFileBuffers(HANDLE hFile);

The FlushFileBuffers function forces all the buffered data associated with a device that is identified by the hFile parameter to be written. For this to work, the device has to be opened with the GENERIC_WRITE flag. If the function is successful, TRUE is returned.

Synchronous I/O Cancellation

Functions that do synchronous I/O are easy to use, but they block any other operations from occurring on the thread that issued the I/O until the request is completed. A great example of this is a CreateFile operation. When a user performs mouse and keyboard input, window messages are inserted into a queue that is associated with the thread that created the window that the input is destined for. If that thread is stuck inside a call to CreateFile, waiting for CreateFile to return, the window messages are not getting processed and all the windows created by the thread are frozen. The most common reason why applications hang is because their threads are stuck waiting for synchronous I/O operations to complete!

With Windows Vista, Microsoft has added some big features in an effort to alleviate this problem. For example, if a console (CUI) application hangs because of synchronous I/O, the user is now able to hit Ctrl+C to gain control back and continue using the console; the user no longer has to kill the console process. Also, the new Vista file open/save dialog box allows the user to press the Cancel button when opening a file is taking an excessively long time (typically, as a result of attempting to access a file on a network server).

To build a responsive application, you should try to perform asynchronous I/O operations as much as possible. This typically also allows you to use very few threads in your application, thereby saving resources (such as thread kernel objects and stacks). Also, it is usually easy to offer your users the ability to cancel an operation when you initiate it asynchronously. For example, Internet Explorer allows the user to cancel (via a red X button or the Esc key) a Web request if it is taking too long and the user is impatient.

Unfortunately, certain Windows APIs, such as CreateFile, offer no way to call the methods asynchronously. Although some of these methods do ultimately time out if they wait too long (such as when attempting to access a network server), it would be best if there was an application programming interface (API) that you could call to force the thread to abort waiting and to just cancel the synchronous I/O operation. In Windows Vista, the following function allows you to cancel a pending synchronous I/O request for a given thread:

BOOL CancelSynchronousIo(HANDLE hThread);

The hThread parameter is a handle of the thread that is suspended waiting for the synchronous I/O request to complete. This handle must have been created with the THREAD_TERMINATE access. If this is not the case, CancelSynchronousIo fails and GetLastError returns ERROR_ACCESS_ DENIED. When you create the thread yourself by using CreateThread or _beginthreadex, the returned handle has THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, which includes THREAD_TERMINATE access. However, if you are taking advantage of the thread pool or your cancellation code is called by a timer call-back, you usually have to call OpenThread to get a thread handle corresponding to the current thread ID; don’t forget to pass THREAD_TERMINATE as the first parameter.

If the specified thread was suspended waiting for a synchronous I/O operation to complete, CancelSynchronousIo wakes the suspended thread and the operation it was trying to perform returns failure; calling GetLastError returns ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED. Also, Cancel-SynchronousIo returns TRUE to its caller.

Note that the thread calling CancelSynchronousIo doesn’t really know where the thread that called the synchronous operation is. The thread could have been pre-empted and it has yet to actually communicate with the device; it could be suspended, waiting for the device to respond; or the device could have just responded, and the thread is in the process of returning from its call. If CancelSynchronousIo is called when the specified thread is not actually suspended waiting for the device to respond, CancelSynchronousIo returns FALSE and GetLastError returns ERROR_NOT_FOUND.

For this reason, you might want to use some additional thread synchronization (as discussed in Chapter 8, “Thread Synchronization in User Mode,” and Chapter 9, “Thread Synchronization with Kernel Objects”) to know for sure whether you are cancelling a synchronous operation or not. However, in practice, this is usually not necessary, as it is typical for a user to initiate the cancellation and this usually happens because the user sees the application is suspended. Also, a user could try to initiate cancellation twice (or more) if the first attempt to cancel doesn’t seem to work. By the way, Windows calls CancelSynchronousIo internally to allow the user to regain control of a command console and the file open/save dialog box.

Caution Cancellation of I/O requests depends on the driver implementing the corresponding system layer. It might happen that such a driver does not support cancellation. In that case, CancelSynchronousIo would have returned TRUE anyway because this function has found a request to be marked as being cancelled. The real cancellation of the request is left as the responsibility of the driver. An example of a driver that was updated to support synchronous cancellation for Windows Vista is the network redirector.

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