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get_TrackNumber Method of the IRawCDTrackInfo Interface

[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

Retrieves the track number for this track.


HRESULT get_TrackNumber(
  [out]  LONG *value


  • value
    The track number for this track.

Return Value

S_OK is returned on success, but other success codes may be returned as a result of implementation.


While this value is often identical to the TrackIndex property, it is possible for pure audio discs to start with a track other than track number 1. This means that the more general formula is that this value is ( TrackIndex + FirstTrackNumber - 1).


Client Requires Windows Vista or Windows XP SP2.
Server Requires Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003.

Declared in Imapi2.idl.

See Also


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Build date: 5/1/2008