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The DisallowCpl subkey contains a list of Control Panel programs and folders that a policy hides. This list is used only when the DisallowCpl entry exists in the registry and has a value of 1.

This subkey stores the setting of the Show Contents box in the Hide specified control panel applets Group Policy. Group Policy adds this subkey and its entries to the registry when you enable the policy. If you disable the policy or set it to Not configured, Group Policy deletes this subkey and its entries from the registry.

When an entry representing a program or folder appears in this subkey, the system removes the icon from the Start menu and from the Control Panel window. The entry only removes the icon. It does not prevent the user from running the program.

Each entry in this subkey represents a Control Panel program, such as Display, or a folder, such as Fonts. Entries are listed in alphabetical order based on the program name, and they are given numbers for names. The numbers that name these entries represent only the order. They do not affect the feature.

The entries have the following format. Programs must end in the .cpl file name extension:

Entry name

Data type




Control Panel item

For example, the following entry removes the icon representing the Display program from Control Panel:

Entry name

Data type





The following entry removes the icon representing the Fonts folder from Control Panel:

Entry name

Data type





Change method

To change the value of entries in this subkey, use Group Policy. This subkey corresponds to the Show Contents box in the Hide specified control panel applets Group Policy (User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Control Panel).

Note Image Note

The DisallowCpl entry enables the Hide specified control panel applets policy. If the DisallowCpl entry is not in the registry, or if its value is 0, the policy is not enabled, and the system ignores the DisallowCpl subkey and its entries.

The Hide specified control panel applets policy takes precedence over the Show only specified control panel applets policy. If the same Control Panel item appears in both the DisallowCpl subkey and the RestrictCpl subkey , the item is hidden, and the entry in the RestrictCpl subkey is ignored.

Tip Image Tip

To find the file name of a Control Panel item, search for files with the .cpl file name extension in the Systemroot \System32 directory.

For detailed information about particular Group Policy settings, see the Windows 2000 Resource Kit Group Policy Reference.

For general information about Group Policy, see Windows 2000 Server Help or Windows 2000 Professional Help.

To see a table associating policies with their corresponding registry entries, see the Group Policy Registry Table .

Related Entries

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DisallowCpl (subkey)

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RestrictCpl (entry)

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RestrictCpl (subkey)