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Route Service


This documentation is no longer available on MSDN. It is available as a CHM or PDF download. For the newest Geocoding, Imagery, Routing and Traffic services, see Bing Maps REST Services. 

The Bing Maps Route Service is comprised of classes and enumerations that allow you to calculate route directions to and from multiple locations on a map.

In This Section

The Bing Maps Route Service contains the following classes and enumerations.

Web Service Class

Class or Enumeration


RouteServiceClient Class

Contains the methods used to make requests to the Route Service.

Note The web service class name may be different depending on the tool you use to generate the client proxy classes.

Bing Maps Route Service Classes and Enumerations

Class or Enumeration


ItineraryItem Class

Contains the properties that define one step of a route.

ItineraryItemHint Class

Contains properties that provide extra information to help follow the route instruction.

ItineraryItemHintType Enumeration

Contains route hint types used to determine what type of hint is described in the ItineraryItemHint.Text Property.

ItineraryItemWarning Class

Contains details about road conditions that may affect the route.

ItineraryWarningSeverity Enumeration

Contains levels of impact that the warning has on the route.

ItineraryWarningType Enumeration

Contains types of warnings that occur along a route.

MajorRoutesOptions Class

Contains properties used to refine a CalculateRoutesFromMajorRoads service request. This class inherits from the RouteOptions Class.

MajorRoutesRequest Class

Contains the properties needed to make a CalculateRoutesFromMajorRoads service request. This class inherits from the RequestBase Class.

MajorRoutesResponse Class

Contains the results returned from a CalculateRoutesFromMajorRoads service request. This class inherits from the RequestBase Class.

ManeuverType Enumeration

Contains values that represent route maneuvers.

RouteLeg Class

Represents a leg of a route. A route leg is a portion of a route between two waypoints.

RouteOptimization Enumeration

Contains values that represent route calculation methods.

RouteOptions Class

Contains properties used to refine a route service request.

RoutePath Class

Represents the raw calculated route data.

RoutePathType Enumeration

Contains route path types to return. A route path is the set of points that define the exact shape of the route.

RouteRequest Class

Contains the properties needed to make a CalculateRoute request. This class inherits from the RequestBase Class.

RouteResponse Class

Contains the result returned from CalculateRoute request. This class inherits from the RequestBase Class.

RouteResult Class

Represents a calculated route.

RouteSummary Class

Contains route summary information, such as total distance and time.

TrafficUsage Enumeration

Contains values indicating how to use traffic information in the route calculation.

TravelMode Enumeration

Contains travel modes for a route.

Waypoint Class

Represents a stop in route.