Here you can find CNTK and Deep Learning related presentations:
GTC 2017 - May 8, 2017: Sayan Pathak presented Scalable deep learning with Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit. Presentation links - Overview, Tutorial.
Build 2017 - May 9-11, 2017: Sayan Pathak presented Deep learning with Cognitive Toolkit. Presentation, Video
CVPR 2017 - July 26, 2017, Tutorial by Emad Barsoum, Sayan Pathak and Cha Zhang, Scalable Deep Learning with Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit. Presentation
WWW 2017 - April 3-7, 2017: Half-day tutorial titled "Scalable deep document (sequence) reasoning with Cognitive Toolkit". Details of the tutorial can be found here
AI NEXT 2017 conference (
): On March 17, 2017, Frank Seide presented CNTK incl. the new functional "Layers" API. Video and Slides.NVidia Inception Webinar (
) on Feb 9, 2017 where Sayan Pathak presented an overview of CNTK V2 with latest performance benchmarks as well as a introduction to deep learning with Cognitive Toolkit (formerly CNTK).Keynote at CGO-HPCA-PPoPP-CC joint conference on Feb 8, 2017 where Frank Seide presented CNTK with focus on the computer science behind it. Slides are here. Video will be linked from here once available.
Sayan Pathak Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) Deep Dive and Hands-on Tutorial - Nov 2016 This YouTube video goes from a high level view, to an intermediate level of detail and then to hands-on tutorials. The first half is a talk and slideware. The later half is hands-on tutorials
KDD 2016: Frank Seide and Amit Agarwal presented a tutorial titled, "CNTK: Microsoft's Open-Source Deep-Learning Toolkit" on August 16, 2016. Tutorial description here, Prerequisites page here; slides here; video here, note: 3 parts. This 3-hour hands-on tutorial covers the following topics:
- what: CNTK? Including an introduction into the core concept of CNTK, the "computational network."
- how: ...does a typical use of CNTK look like? Configuration of key components, workflow.
- deep dive: ...into unique CNTK technologies. Automatic unrolling of time & efficient minibatching of variable-length sequences; data-parallel training with 1-bit SGD and Block Momentum.
- hands-on tutorials:
- hello world: getting set up, running a first logistic regression task
- language understanding: slot and intent tagging on the ATIS language-understanding corpus. Available online
- image recognition: with convolutional nets, batch normalization, and residual networks using the CIFAR-10 corpus Available online
Microsoft Research Latin American Faculty Summit 2016: Frank Seide presented, "CNTK: Microsoft's Open-Source Deep-Learning Toolkit," on . May 19, 2016. Video and Slides. The 1-hour talk covers the following topics:
- what: CNTK? Including an introduction into the core concept of CNTK, the "computational network."
- how: ...does a typical use of CNTK look like? Configuration of key components, workflow.
- deep dive: ...into unique CNTK technologies. Automatic unrolling of time & efficient minibatching of variable-length sequences; data-parallel training with 1-bit SGD and Block Momentum.
- examples: source code walk-through. For ResNet image classification and sequence-to-sequence modeling with attention.
GPU Technology Conference 2016 (
): Alexey Kamenev presented, "Deep Learning in Microsoft with CNTK" on April 2016. Slides