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Setup Test Python

Testing your CNTK install with Python

We assume you have Python and CNTK installed on your machine, as well as the CNTK samples and tutorials. The Python installation is included in your PATH statement; if you have installed CNTK in a Python environment you will need to activate that Python environment before you run the samples.

  • Open a standard command prompt
  • Activate the Python environment if necessary
  • Change into the sample directory

Run an example

Change into the Tutorials/NumpyInterop directory and run the FeedForward example:

cd Tutorials
cd NumpyInterop

You will see the following output on the console:

Minibatch[   1- 128]: loss = 0.564038 * 3200
Minibatch[ 129- 256]: loss = 0.308571 * 3200
Minibatch[ 257- 384]: loss = 0.295577 * 3200
Minibatch[ 385- 512]: loss = 0.270765 * 3200
Minibatch[ 513- 640]: loss = 0.252143 * 3200
Minibatch[ 641- 768]: loss = 0.234520 * 3200
Minibatch[ 769- 896]: loss = 0.231275 * 3200
Minibatch[ 897-1024]: loss = 0.215522 * 3200
Finished Epoch [1]: loss = 0.296552 * 25600
error rate on an unseen minibatch 0.040000

Run Jupyter notebooks

CNTK contains several tutorials based on Jupyter notebooks. To use them, execute the following commands:

cd Tutorials
jupyter notebook

This will start a browser with the available notebooks.