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Unary operations

Common unary elementwise functions and operations.

Abs (x)
Ceil (x)
Cosine (x)
Clip (x, minValue, maxValue)
Exp (x)
Floor (x)
Log (x)
Negate (x)
BS.Boolean.Not (b)
Reciprocal (x)
Round (x)
Sin (x)
Sqrt (x)


  • x: argument to apply the function or operation to

Sparse values are currently not supported.


  • minValue: inputs less than this value are replaced by this value
  • maxValue: likewise, inputs more than this value are replaced by this value

Return Value

Result of applying the function or operation. The output's tensor shape is the same as the input's.


These are common functions and unary operations.

Note that BS.Boolean.Not() expects inputs to be 0 or 1.


MySoftmax (z) = Exp (LogSoftmax (z))