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ServerSpecificSiteUrl Property

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

NOTE: This API is now obsolete.

(Obsolete) Gets or sets the full URL of the current application.

Namespace:  Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Caching
Assembly:  Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime (in Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.dll)


<ObsoleteAttribute("This property is no longer used for the cache refresh functionality and may be removed in a subsequent release of Commerce Server.  Please see the RefreshCache methods on the Commerce Server Web services.")> _
Public Shared Property ServerSpecificSiteUrl As String
Dim value As String

value = CommerceCache.ServerSpecificSiteUrl

CommerceCache.ServerSpecificSiteUrl = value
[ObsoleteAttribute("This property is no longer used for the cache refresh functionality and may be removed in a subsequent release of Commerce Server.  Please see the RefreshCache methods on the Commerce Server Web services.")]
public static string ServerSpecificSiteUrl { get; set; }
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"This property is no longer used for the cache refresh functionality and may be removed in a subsequent release of Commerce Server.  Please see the RefreshCache methods on the Commerce Server Web services.")]
static property String^ ServerSpecificSiteUrl {
    String^ get ();
    void set (String^ value);
public static function get ServerSpecificSiteUrl () : String
public static function set ServerSpecificSiteUrl (value : String)

Property Value

Type: System..::.String
The full URL of the current application.


Exception Condition

An attempt to set this property to nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).


Stores the full URL of the current application. This value is passed to the CacheLoader component configured for the current cache if and only if the cache object is a Commerce.Dictionary object. In this case, the value is passed to the cache loader in the Dictionary under the key _AppUrl. If this property is not explicitly set then reading the property will cause a default value to be derived. This feature is only available when the code is running with ASP.NET. The derived URL value is based on the local server name, the s_IPPort resource property for the site, and the current application virtual directory path. This property was used in previous versions of Commerce Server to register caches Business Desk refreshing. The caches are still registered into SQL tables by the cache loaders in the current release, but the Web service refresh mechanism does not use these URLs; instead it derives the URLs to each server in the Web farm from the Commerce Server administration database.


See Also


CommerceCache Class

CommerceCache Members

Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Caching Namespace