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ETL Process for the Data Deletion DTS Task

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The Data Deletion DTS task has two ways of deleting data from a Data Warehouse: all data can be deleted, or data from particular Web log files can be deleted from the Data Warehouse. Deleting Web log file data can be done at the site level or at the Data Warehouse level. Deleting all data can be done only at the Data Warehouse level.

Web log data can be deleted in two ways: all Web log data can be deleted, or only summarized (detail) data can be deleted.

Deleting All Data from Data Warehouse

When the "delete all" option is used to delete all data from the Data Warehouse, most tables in the Data Warehouse are deleted. The only tables not deleted from the Data Warehouse are tables that have no associated logical class. The following is a list of tables that remain in the Data Warehouse after you delete all data from the Data Warehouse:

  • Site

  • ServerGroup

  • VirtualServer

  • ServerBinding

  • SiteURL

  • EventType

  • SVQStringName

  • MVQStringName

  • LinkSVQStringName

  • LinkMVQStringName

  • ImportOptions

  • Crawler

For instructions about how to run the Data Deletion DTS task in Commerce Server Manager to delete all data, see How to Run the Data Deletion DTS Task.

Deleting Web Log File Data from Data Warehouse

When the "delete all Web log data from Data Warehouse" option is used, class data for the specified Web logs is deleted from the following classes:

  • Basket

  • Order

  • LogImportJobSummary

  • LogImportSubtask

  • OpenUserVisit

  • CampaignEvent

  • Visit

  • Request

  • VisitInfo

  • LastUriByDate

  • RequestByDateByUriByQueryString

  • FirstUriByDate

  • HitsInfo

  • HitsByHour

For instructions about how to run the Data Deletion DTS task in Commerce Server Manager to delete Web log data, see How to Run the Data Deletion DTS Task.

Deleting Web Log File Detail Data from Data Warehouse

When the "delete detail data from Data Warehouse" option is used, all fact data from the specified Web log files is deleted from the Data Warehouse. No dimension data is deleted when you delete only detail data. The following is a list of the fact classes whose data is deleted when this option is used:

  • OpenUserVisit

  • CampaignEvent

  • Visit

  • Request

For instructions about how to run the Data Deletion DTS task in Commerce Server Manager to delete Web log file detail data, see How to Run the Data Deletion DTS Task.

See Also

Other Resources

ETL Processing for DTS Tasks